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Old Sep 02 2014, 12:53 PM
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Rob T Rob T is offline
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Originally Posted by LazyMare View Post
I am astounded that anyone would send anyone, let alone a Mod an "unfavourable" message. Seem to remember reading somewhere on the forum that PM's to the Mods would go unanswered.
That the Competition adjudicators have taken the time to PM entrants with advice - hat's off. However, as a first time competition entrant, who had difficulty enough understanding the rules and the "How To's" I would very much appreciate being told why an entry isn't acceptable and would have no qualms with that being as a comment on the entry, or in place of the entry if it had to be removed- chances are if I've misunderstood something someone else will have too so, that would help everyone. I would feel very confused if an entry just disappeared into the ether - I would assume that I'd posted it wrong and just re-post it with no modifications. Some of us get so engrossed in the details of this fabulous game that we forget - IT IS A GAME. Please don't let one or two "rotten eggs" spoil things for the less vocal majority of nice players.

Hi LazyMare

We always try to answer every PM we get. Sometime we do get alot of them. As for entries.... no entry will just disappear without a PM being sent to the user as to why it was removed.
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