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Old Aug 17 2014, 09:26 AM
drr30 drr30 is offline
Join Date: Sep 01 2011
Posts: 60

Originally Posted by Deanna J. Lloyd View Post
Perhaps it would have been better had I said something like, "I'm sure it never occurred to the developers that introducing a single product that simultaneously more than doubled demand for kaolin clay and required nearly three weeks' output from a single mine would prove a serious challenge for us as players."

Also, Taz, may I direct your attention to just two paragraphs from my post that I think illustrate my true intention, which was to carefully and POLITELY present the case for evaluating the production of kaolin clay:

OK, so rather than just fume and complain,I did the math.
Dear Creative, Ingenious Fabulous Developers, I did the math for you. I hope you can see that introduction of the Restroom Supplies Facility, created a serious imbalance in KC supply and demand, one we would all like to see addressed sooner rather than later, please.

As Farm Town grows and becomes both more fun and more complex, it seems inevitable that demand for some basic products may outstrip the ability of even the most ingenious player to meet. As has been well said elsewhere, we all play out own game, and balancing the availability of products is really our own responsibility.

However, sometimes the cumulative effect of new releases is to create a supply/demand situation that needs rethinking. Case in point: More and bigger farms accompanied by more and bigger tools eventually created a demand for fuel that simply couldn't be met. The players presented their case here in the Forum and eventually the developers increased the output from each Oil Pump (and the Refinery as well, I think)

I came to the Forum to present my case and request that the developers consider looking into the issue. I could wish you had at least acknowledged that before chastising me for an unintentional faux pas.

I Know what your talking about I have the same problem with poly fiber
I can not produce enough for my textile mills I have 5 trains all sending in Petrochemicals and 8 oil refineries producing petro chemicals and 6 petrochemical factories producing poly fiber and my 6 textile mills can not get enough. I really need a train car to send in poly fiber.