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Old Apr 09 2014, 07:45 AM
Rugged Barbie Rugged Barbie is offline
Join Date: Mar 25 2012
Posts: 234

Originally Posted by Witch Hazel View Post
I understand they are randomly assigned and have read about them in the guide. and today I have yet another quest requiring an FC facility I don't have. Yet another day wasted. It would be nice to be able to preview a quest before accepting it.
Even if you were to preview it, the Quest will still not expire for 20 hours. Trick is, always click on the final step before you click on a Life Line! If you don't have that final factory or service, do NOT CLICK on the Life Line as then you'll not have another Life Line until that Quest expires.

Some of us are new and some of us have been playing this game for years - we who have been playing for a long time have most everything we want re. facilities but it takes time. $4.99 will buy you 25 FTC and that's like $10 a month investment for 50 FTC. In time you'll be able to get them all. And, really, $10 is really not very much money. 12 months you'll have lots more facilities than you have now.

I picked the facilities I bought as I went along based on what I already had that would require all the steps required - in fact - it seemed forever before I even bought the Chocolate Factory as I was able to get much of that stuff from gifts or working for others.

My main goal was tools. I spent my money on tools first. I've been so low on coins that one day - many years ago - I sold every crop and product I had just to raise coins. LOL

To think that we can pick and choose a Quest or toss one out and get another one in its place is dreaming. This is part of the game. It's a good game. Smile and go plant so more crops - gain some more levels and do what you can do.
I'm just a player interested in playing . . .
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