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Old Mar 14 2014, 05:40 PM
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JW2009 JW2009 is offline
Join Date: Sep 18 2009
Location: Victoria BC Canada
Posts: 427

This is because, when the Mayor goes and works the other farms, he doesn't just work the regular ones, but he also does the services and non workable too
Originally Posted by maggiel29 View Post
Thank you - like the Tower Crane just what we asked for. Like the train idea but it seems a bit hit and miss. I have all 5 locomotives but do not have 10 cars on one train - one I have 11 and another 8. I just tried to work a neighbours facilities - The Mayor worked all the facilities on the first 7 farms but I had to navigate to each one, THEN the Mayor started taking me automatically through the last 7 without me having to move.
I then went to work the same Farmers Services - I got a message on every farm that I had already worked on those facilities - but I hadnt - only the ordinary Facilities NOT the Services ones.
I will try again when I see a post from someone and re-arrange my trains when they all return but it looks as if there is a glitch stopping us from working the ordinary Facilities and Services. I have no way of knowing if the first pass when I thought I was working the Facilities also worked the Services.

I hope this makes sense!!
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