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Old Feb 22 2014, 12:35 PM
Rugged Barbie Rugged Barbie is offline
Join Date: Mar 25 2012
Posts: 234

Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan View Post
Is anyone else having a white rabbit fleece crisis? I now have hutches on all 20 farms and each one is packed to the brim with 180 of the furry little creatures but I still don't have enough fleece to run my facilities once a day. Am I missing something or do we just have a shortage vs. demand problem right now?
I'm running short on Oak Lumber, Silk Textile, Leather Rolls and more and I could keep going. I only have limited Duplicated factories. Demand keeps increasing with every new Factory release yet supply is not being increased. I have 3 textile mills and 3 sawmills and still can't keep up. I also have 3 train running. It is a real issue for those of us who are trying to have full factories and services pumping. Any help the Developers can offer re. increasing supply of those products we need so desperately would help.
I'm just a player interested in playing . . .