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Old Jan 08 2014, 04:25 PM
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SeaJay SeaJay is offline
Join Date: Jul 30 2009
Location: Palm Springs, Florida
Posts: 445

Originally Posted by whosyou? View Post
I am so sad reading people unwilling to share a virtual combine with someone because they think it is unfair at how "hard we had to work" <----------------LAWL
You don't want people to use your fake tools..don't hire anyone..simple as that.That will teach those newbies.I mean,we do not want them gaining levels and beating us at this game do we?We worked hard to get that farming trophy...and I will be darned if some new guy/gal can come in and get one to...because I spent real money on fake things.I also spent real money on FC facilities...I should make sure that they can not get into those as well when I ask for help with my fac's.
Now if you excuse me..I need to go sit over my farm kingdom and laugh at the serfs as they plow 1x1 is only right.
That's hilarious and very well said.


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