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Old May 04 2013, 10:39 PM
mcdaddie mcdaddie is offline
Join Date: Dec 02 2010
Posts: 136

I am at wits end!! I have been a loyal, money spending, advocate of this game for many years. I have a nice farm with all the greatest tools. But is seems each time we get one of the updates we nervously await from month to month, when it is released, the game get more difficult to stomach. When I work on a friends farm, it takes 1 to 2 minutes to get from one farm to the other because of "enqueueing" of something on the next farm. It could be boulders, police stations, or the moon. When I go back to my own farm to seed each of the farms, I get to wait 1.5 to 2 minutes on each just enqueueing plowed fields on every one of the fields. Just what is going on? Is it so ineffiecient that it has to enqueue each time. So stupid. I am getting so frustrated, that I probably can't take it much longer, even though I have always said it was the best game on Facebook. I use to praise the devs on their attention to detail, frequent updates, and listening to us players. But I cannot praise a game that requires me to sit with my hands folded in my lap waiting for a field to load, just to spend 30 seconds checking things out. Please someone tell me that this is a real problem and that there is hope for the future. If not fixed soon, there will be little hope of me sticking around. It is just wrong to have something like a stupid black box pop up in the middle of the screen while I am trying to harvest the same Walnut trees it is enqueueing. Please provide me hope.