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Old Dec 25 2012, 12:17 PM
ckerider ckerider is offline
Getting Started ( Level 1 )
Join Date: Feb 01 2010
Posts: 46
Farmer Since: Mar 27 2009
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About the Bonuses.... I think we all should stop complaining about getting paid for a partial job. When you are hired and you complete one aspect of the job, you are finished that job on that farm. If you forget to get the bonus, it is gone. I don't see why people are offended because we get a bonus for finishing a crop on one farm. Sometimes I get kicked off a farm, or I leave because it takes me 4 minutes just to load the farm before I can get to work. Then the 'farmer' has tabbed crops and my computer slows down so much that it is not worth my time to stick around. I WOULD NEVER leave a farm if it was working like it should. Some tabbed farms are good once you wait the 4 minutes for it to load, but others take forever to do anything on. I am frustrated with these people and wonder how they themselves work on their farms when that have a ridiculous amount of tabbing and overlapping!!!. I think if we keep complaining about some people getting things for free, they will just take it away from us. Try just accepting things as they are. It would REALLY frustrate me if I was working a bunch of farms and they got kicked off because the farmer has his stuff overlapped and tabbed, only to lose my bonus too!!!

I feel better now... thanks for giving me the opportunity to vent a bit!

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