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Old Sep 29 2012, 09:19 PM
whosyou? whosyou? is offline
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Posts: 135

Originally Posted by knolan View Post
Breaking down a tool from 1 that does all (ie.freestyle glove) to a tool that can do more than 1 function is not considered reasonable, it's price gouging. For Example: Taking the Supreme Cheeseburger and charging for each separate ingredient instead of charging 1 price for a supreme cheeseburger. It's going to come back & bite them in the butt bcuz they're getting toooo greedy. Of course the dev's need to be paid for their work, but whose actually pocketing all that profit? (Christmas bonuses will be over a million this year.) I can predict that this tactic of trying to get as much money as possible in the shortest period of time is going to have a residual affect that won't be good, bcuz players want to feel good about paying to play a game, they don't want to begin feeling as tho they're being taken advantage of bcuz of their addictions. I am interested to know what the average player pays to play. The fees & costs must be determined in good faith.
Sorry,but socialism 101 is--------------> that way.Buy it because you want it,or don't buy it.You have no right to tell any business how they can charge for the product/service they provide.Also..How in the hell is it Slashkeys problem if people say they are "addicted"?If you can't control how you spend money playing online games,stay off the internet.Kind of like blaming a CC company for racking up 50k debt shopping because math is too hard.
FYI...leave the predictions to the TV psychic hotlines,we have heard those same "predictions for 2 years now,and are as irrelevant now as then.
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