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Old Aug 26 2012, 09:46 AM
Dulcinea Dulcinea is offline
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Join Date: Apr 15 2009
Location: United States
Posts: 199

I'm doing the Chocolate Chip Cookies quest, and I can do everything except the Produce Chocolate Liquor because I don't have that facility. (It's a FC facility, otherwise I would have it.) I put out a Lifeline, which lets me obtain it by working in a friend's facility, but none of my friends currently playing have the Chocolate Factory either. However, Chocolate Liquor is a free gift, and my friends can send me it as a free gift. (I only needed 2, which was easy enough.) Unfortunately, the Lifeline doesn't seem to apply to free gifts. So I'm at the point where I have everything for the quest, including the cookies, but the quest is still telling me I don't have any Chocolate Liquor.

It's one thing not to be able to complete a quest because you don't have the designation facilities; it's another to have everything you need, but not be able to complete it on a technicality.

Could the Lifeline please apply to free gifts, too?
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