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Old Jul 07 2012, 10:10 PM
gypsy! gypsy! is offline
Join Date: Jul 04 2009
Location: San Francisco Bay area California
Posts: 8
Default Was able to buy train cars while train dispacthed

THANK YOU to the developers for the great release.
There were a few posts about buying the new train cars while the train is dispatched.

The answer given was “no you can’t you have to wait until the train is unloaded.
You can buy them. You just can’t ‘dispatch’ them. They will remain empty and go out with the train when you next dispatch it.

I think is great because one of the great things about Farm Town is everyone can play the way the want. You can choose to not spend the coins/FC until you are ready to send you train out or buy them now even if they stay empty for a few days.

The other terrific thing about FT is the forum and the game guide.
Thank you FT moderators – I always find help when I need it.