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Old May 18 2012, 08:56 PM
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Docperk Docperk is offline
Join Date: Jan 04 2010
Posts: 664

Since we seem to be talking about what ticks someone off... I go to the market and I say I need someone with ALL tools to do all jobs on all fields. I fill that is giving them pretty good warning as to I want. I hire someone with "ALL TOOLS" in their name is saying "Me Doc, I will" so I hire them and they either don't fish, or only harverst plow and leave all the flowers and trees and fish. I end up going to the market and hiring someone 6 times to get the job done. I could have done it in a fraction of the time by just doing it myself and half the time I end up doing that way, but I do like to SHARE the work and usually only hire 1 person at a time, but that brings me to the other thing that is currently ticking me off.

Since the last update people have been extreemly slow in showing up in the market, I have to click on them and hire them at least 3 times, if they happen to stay in the market that long, then sometimes I get one hired and I end up having 2 or 3 people on the field. Then sometimes I have half the market there as ghost. I did go and clear my chache and flash chace but it is still happening some.

Ok I get off my soap box for now.
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