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Old May 17 2012, 09:00 AM
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Rob T Rob T is offline
Join Date: Aug 13 2009
Posts: 3,326
Default I did what it said, and theres no checkmark, what now?

Q: I did what it said, and theres no checkmark, what now?

A: There are 2 common reasons why this would happen :-

  • If you haven't stored the previous steps, and you have none in storage, then there would be nothing to complete the next step with, what is already pending in the facility does NOT count towards the step, you must START the required batches for it to count.

  • If you have already used those previous items leaving none in storage before getting to the step needed, or used them in something else, like while filling facilities, then there would be nothing left in storage for you to start the next step.

Be careful, and make sure you have the products needed, if for some reason you have used them, then you will need to make more, providing you still have the needed ingredients to do so.

Last edited by Rob T; May 17 2012 at 09:08 AM.