May 17 2012, 08:33 AM
Join Date: Aug 13 2009
Posts: 3,326
How do i complete a quest?
Q: How do i complete a quest?
A: Once you've accepted a quest, you will see a window like this...

At the top of the window it shows you how much time until the quest will expire and no longer count. You need to complete your quest before time expires.
As you can see, this particular quest is to produce Pitch fork. You have to follow the steps in order to complete the quest. The steps that you can do right now are those that are highlighted. In this case, Harvest oak log pile, produce chromite ore, produce iron ore. As you see from the picture above, there is also a number 0/11 etc.. That lets you know how many you will need to complete that step. Fertilized farms DO count as 2 harvests in quest steps.
Each step that you complete, will show a green checkmark on it...

Steps that require you to make something in a facility can be done from the Quest Manager. Hover over the facility and you will see an "Open" button. Click it to open the facility and start your batch.

Some steps you may see a black circle, that shows you how much time is needed to produce that quantity of the item needed. In the case of the step below, It's just under 6 hours. You can hover your mouse over that circle to get an exact time till it's complete.

If you hover your mouse over a step thats not highlighted, it will let you know what steps have to be completed first before that step, as shown below.

You MUST complete ALL steps in order to complete a quest
If you can't complete a quest because you don't own a facility, try a lifeline, but please note, that lifelines do NOT help with the final step of the quest. You can also buy that facility to complete a quest with. If you can't do either of those, then you can just let the quest expire.
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 07:57 AM.