Thread: Updated Chapter 21 - Tools
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Old May 12 2012, 07:59 AM
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Rob T Rob T is offline
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Default Can i use a tool to Seed?

Q: Can I use a tool to seed?

A: Yes, there are several tools that you can use to seed. These Tools use Fuel
You must buy them in size order.
You must make sure that you place them into your Item Storage so that the game can see which ones you own AND for you to be able to use the bigger tools when working for others or when they work for you.
These tools are not for working overlapped crops faster AND Overlapping fields is still not officially supported by the developers BUT you must own all the sizes up to and including the 16x16 before you can buy your first EX Seeder to be able to plant overlapped fields faster.

For full details on ALL the crop tools tools that can work overlapped crops faster click on this link:
Are there tools for working overlapped fields?
  • You can seed a single field at a time
  • You can seed 2 fields at a time with the 2x1 seeder.
  • You can seed 4 fields at a time with the 2x2 seeder.
  • You can seed 9 fields at a time with the 3x3 seeder.
  • You can seed 16 fields at a time with the 4x4 seeder.(FC item).
  • You can seed 25 fields at a time with the 5x5 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 36 fields at a time with the 6x6 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 64 fields at a time with the 8x8 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 100 fields at a time with the 10x10 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 144 fields at a time with the 12x12 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 196 fields at a time with the 14x14 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 256 fields at a time with the 16x16 seeder (FC item)

    When you own the 16x16 you meet the requirement to buy your first EX Seeder.

    If you are not overlapping crops you can continue buying the bigger size tools:

  • You can seed 324 fields at a time with the 18x18 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 400 fields at a time with the 20x20 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 484 fields at a time with the 22x22 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 576 fields at a time with the 24x24 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 784 fields at a time with the 28x28 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 1024 fields at a time with the 32x32 seeder (FC item)

    When you buy a bigger size tool you will see a popup telling you what you are about to buy, please make sure that you read it and especially note the name and size of the tool before you purchase.

    If you do not have Show Tools checked in your Show Preferences that will also be shown in the popup.

    If you are buying a tool bigger than the 16x16 there is another popup that will remind you that the tool is not an EX tool for working overlapped crops.

How do I plant Seeds?

You can seed a single field (no tool required) by clicking the store icon in the game panel, then scroll the list to find the seed you want then click on "Buy".

To use your tool to seed, it must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Plant Seeds", the store will open, chose your seed and then click on the fields.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use, the store will open so you can choose your seed, then click on the fields.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Last edited by Tiger; Mar 09 2025 at 11:49 AM.