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Old Mar 14 2012, 10:34 PM
whosyou? whosyou? is offline
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Join Date: Dec 15 2011
Posts: 135

Originally Posted by Baba 947 View Post
I don't get it.
"I can if I choose have 5 open at the same time,get it?"
So are you saying that you have had 5 concurrent quests going? If so I stand corrected. If you haven't, then PLEASE try to accomplish this feat and let everyone know how successful you were. If you can't do it, it would also be nice to hear your experience. Hey, we are after all: BETA TESTERS.

I haven't heard anyone else say they have. To me, the silence is deafening and I think that in itself makes my point. Sure, this forum only represents a fraction of the players, but they are a vocal fraction and one could logically suppose (I'm not assuming anything :-) that there would have been a response by now. NOTE: It's been a month since I first asked.

My initial statement still stands: THERE IS NO WAY to get to 5 concurrent quests UNLESS you can't do some of them.

PS: I'm not playing "full throttle", I spend less then 15 minutes a day on the quests.
First,no I have not had 5 "active" quest going..4 active and 1 for the perfume factory which I don't want.I can easily get 5 quest going by simply cutting my time down from 30-40 mins a day to 10-20,and do the quest as I have time.
Second,the quest are not centered around people who try to rush through them,they are made for all levels of gametime,ie..someone who does not care if they finish a quest in the least amount of time.They can get "UP TO" 5 going at the same time.Your initial statement is wrong,I will happily post a screenshot of 5 quest that I can do.
I think what you actually want,is the ability to open 5 quest at once,not have 5 going.If thats what you want,post that is the suggestion as someone said,but the quest as they are now are working as promised.
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