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Old Dec 10 2011, 03:41 PM
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Docperk Docperk is offline
Join Date: Jan 04 2010
Posts: 664

You know I have posted a few comments in here about this update and I haven't even said thank you yet. So thanks to DEVS for this update.
When I first saw the price for extending the farms my first reaction was the same as of a lot have been here and thought it was totally over the top and way to high. Now that I have a couple of days for it sink in, I am getting ok with it. I gave some real careful consideration to determine which fields I could and wanted to upgrade. I found one my 4th farm could not be. It is surround by seacoast so expanding it would throw it off cause right now it is the perfect size for either 2 large seacoast or 4 small ones going to 26x26 that wouldn't be possible. My number one farm hasn't seen much change since created except for building changes so it was one I wanted experiment with first. I think I am still going to make some changes but it game a chance to something. I had to spend the 30 FC cash cause I don't quite have the 10B yet and when I do I am sure I will wait to I have at least 15B before spending it all. In the mean time I will substitute buying one facility for an expansion. I have plenty of facilities anyway and am running our of room to put them. So after buying the expansion maybe I will room for them. I just hope that expansion for farms 4 - 8 when they come out with them don't get any higher than the 10B. I figure that until we get all 12 farms expanded we probably won't get anymore farms if we ever do.
We all have our own opinions about updates, and you can express your negative thoughts about an update but some of you have really gotten hateful about it and that really isn't necessary. As your mom and dad use to tell you, Play nice kids.