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Old Sep 18 2011, 05:07 PM
StoneFace StoneFace is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2010
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Originally Posted by dianedrayson View Post
I agree with you!!! I loved the last release but I was sorry that there was only one item to make filling facs faster. I suggested in the forums that they should bring out a multi-tool that would fill every current fac and every future fac. I'd be prepared to pay 300 or 400 fc for it!

What I really want a tool for is the service facs. I find them mind-numbing. There's nothing new in them; it's just a use for existing items. Click, click, click. And I groan when we get a new facility that has to be clicked 12 times. (How did I survive before they brought out the +30 button?)

I generally only fill my facs about once a week. I enjoy the farming but I hate all the clicking - just to get more coins and xp.

How would anything like THAT be good for the game or the players....

It would discourage completely the new players

It would discourage those who don't have an extra $300-400 laying around

It would really peeve off those of us who have played and worked the game and bought the tools we wanted when we could buy them