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Old Sep 10 2011, 05:23 PM
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Posts: 260

Originally Posted by StoneFace View Post
That is probably the most important variable. I tend to think that the "great numbers" of those playing farmville are very temporary players who are simply looking for apps that might be of interest.

By the way, when I first started playing Farm Town, and required the 30 neighbors to advance... I asked a number of FB friends to just join FT so that I could hit the 30 mark. If memory serves right, I had more than a dozen oblige, and then let the game simple fade away on their own FB.

If a lot of us older players did the same, that could account for many of the 19million..... and in effect it says the game is much more stable over the last two years than the numbers imply.

That hasn't been my experience at all.

I'm at a very high level in FV, though not quite comparable to the 165M XP I have here, but I have quite a few very advanced neighbors that are very loyal to FV. Most don't play FT but of those that do, well they prefer FV. I have several that are well beyond the highest level to unlock anything and they continue to play every day.
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