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Old Sep 10 2011, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by StoneFace View Post
[1] There are undoubtedly many times more "apps" and/or games on Face Book now than there were 2+ years ago..... so to be fair... let's acknowledge the competition

[2] if Farm town is the 248th most popular, and you have the numbers at hand, perhaps you can share the numbers for:
[a] the most popular at the moment
[b] the average for the top 10 at the moment
[c] the duration, or life expectancy, of the top apps/games, and whether they even have 1.5 million after 2+ years on Face Book

If only 10% of the 1.5 million spend $10 that is back to the $1.5 million each year, and I could live on that.

The top game is Cityville with over 75M players. The number 10 game is Pioneer Trail with 21M. The average for the top 10 is currently about 38M.

I believe that when FT was at it's peak it didn't take quite as much to get in the top 10 but I'm not sure. I haven't been following the numbers that long.

Now, to address your question, there does seem to be some ebb and flow. I don't know that games have a life expectancy but they do tend to peak in popularity and then fall back.

Which brings us to the comparison that begs to be made. Farmville.

Farmville is currently 5th on the list with nearly 36M players. Farmville and Farm Town have both been around about the same time. Farmville peaked around 84M players while Farm Town peaked around 19M. Here's what's scary. Farm Town has lost over 90% of it's players from it's all time high and continues downward. Farmville has lost 57% and although they gain and lose they seem to be holding around that number. They gained over 500,000 last week.
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