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Old Aug 30 2011, 02:32 PM
terejuita terejuita is offline
Join Date: Jul 22 2009
Posts: 6

Thanks so much for the new update!! Each time you make it easier and easier to remain addicted to this game!! You are fantastic!!

I have one request: please do something about the neighbors section. I find it unusable as it is now. I don't care about how much money they have but, for example, it'd find it extremely helpful if I knew when they played last.

Maybe a list showing: real name, username, level & last time they played. I need a way of keeping track of my active neighbors at a glance. Let's have a real list so I can tell how many active neighbors I have without having to count the big blue squares. Right now the process is tedious and is more guessing than not. It doesn't work.

After three years of playing and putting up with it, I respectfully ask you to take a look at this issue and make it as wow!! as the rest of the game.

I thank you and hope to hear form you soon. Thanks!!
