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Old Aug 14 2011, 10:03 PM
kahra01 kahra01 is offline
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Originally Posted by JAS0643 View Post
Just because quest are added to the game does not mean they will be to build buildings. That is one way to do a quest there are 1000s of ways to do quest without spamming our friends walls, and begging for stuff to build something. Just because that is the way zynga does them does not mean that is how ft has to do them. About a year and a half ago the most requested thing for the game was harvesting of animals. Tons of people had the opinion you have about quest that is too much like zynga and didn't want stupid little marks over their animals or want to have to click on each one to harvest them, it would be too time consuming and too much like fv. Well did the developers listen yes they did. They gave everyone what they wanted. They gave us a way to harvest the animals and didn't add the stupid symbol over their head or require us to click on each animal. There are other things that FT has added that people said no too much like zynga but the way ft did them was much better and made everyone happy. The only misstep the developers have had along this line is the belts. Not adding the belts but making them way to easy to obtain so you had all those pop ups and posting when they first came out. The idea was a great one just not very well thought out. There are ways to add quest and goals to the game without going the zynga route and can add some fun and enjoyment to the game.

Exactly what I have been trying to get everyone to see. Here is an example of a quest/goal that could be added to the game.

Par 1.

Harvest 500 wheat fields
Tend 5 neighbors farms
Max out 2 products in a regular facility.

Reward 1000xps and 50,000 coins

Part 2.

Harvest 500 corn.
Tend 10 neighbors farms.
Max out 2 products in a service facility.

Reward 1000xps and 1000 cow milk.

Part 3

Harvest 500 tomatoes.
Work 5 neighbors facilities.
Catch 50 fish of any kind.

Reward 1000xps and 1000 onions.

This is a way to give people more xps, coins and some extra crops and would require no posting on our walls or begging people for parts to build stuff. There can be an option to post that we finished a part of the goal and let our friends get some kind of bonus from it but like the belt bonuses it will not be required of us to post them just an option.
that will work in theory if all we have to do to tend to neighbours is click in there to weed or water the farm at the prompt.. if there had to be any other work done on the farm then it wouldnt work.. many people say they dont have that many active neighbours anymore.. but if its just the weeding or watering required then it will work because the farm stays there and still produces the prompt for us to weed or water whether they are active anymore or not. not a bad idea overall