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Old Jun 20 2011, 11:46 PM
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AussieGecko AussieGecko is offline
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Originally Posted by Angel7 View Post
Here's my 2 cents worth:
1. THANK YOU for farm 10
2. THANK YOU for the free extra farm cash on the new levels
3. What a waste of programming on the Work All in the facilities - took me just as much time to work a neighbors facilities and I still had to go to every farm and then go back through again to work the service facilities - this added touch will NOT get our neighbors back working our farms and unless they work our farms, the game is pointless.
4. The stuff that is free all uses products that we are having trouble keeping in stock anyway, so why get them.
5. And all the farm cash items - enough is enough....won't continue to feed your unending piggy bank.
6. Bottling/Load ALL button in facilities - We paid farm cash for the other ALL button on the trucks - this is insanity that you want it now just for bottled items. What will the next one be? Just how many things are we going to have to pay farm cash for in order to load ALL in all facilities?
7. Speeding up the yeast production - I went to the trouble of getting 6 stinking trucks so I could have enough yeast and other stuff and now you are changing the rules. This is exactly why I won't spend another dime on this game. You want money today for something you are going to give away tomorrow. And I know this is the nature of the beast, but I wanted to express my discontent as I know others who have lots of trucks are thinking the same thing even if they won't say it.
I totally agree with points 1 and 2.

Point 3? I don't know about everyone else but I did happen to find working on my friends 9 odd farms somewhat quicker with the 'Work All' button. The game is not built around just working facilities. It's a social game and there's lots more to it than that one element. If your neighbours are not working your facilities start a thread in the forum (there may be one already) and find neighbours that are only too willing to take the time to work them for you, at least weekly.

Points 4 and 5? If you don't want them, don't buy them. I have enough facilities to fill out two farms so I tend to be picky with what I want now.

Point 6? Again it's by choice. I wanted them, I got them, I love them and the time it saves.

Point 7? I sort of agree a little here. I got 3 of those trucks myself so I wouldn't run out of the items it stocks. I could never get enough gifts from friends to do it that way. I'm quite happy to sell off the excess to the markets now and then. At least I make coins on the stuff sold. It's not a total loss.

I rarely respond to individual letters but this time I really felt the need to. I also wanted to add a thank you to the developers for every new addition this game gives me. Some things I want some things I don't. I just have to choose which ones suit my game play and whether or not I'm willing to part with fc for them.