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Old Jun 03 2011, 03:06 AM
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maggiel29 maggiel29 is offline
Join Date: Aug 28 2010
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Raul - thank-you for responding so quickly. I was missing the pop-up notifications of when I had achieved a belt and seeing the little disappearing text was nice. It is never easy to please everyone, you are trying to keep this game interesting and evolving - that is much appreciated. I for one like this little extra incentive and would not want to see it go.
For those of you with flooded news feeds - go to your home page, click on "Most Recent" at the top right. Then click on the little drop down arrow and select "Status Updates" or whatever you want to see. Bingo - no more posts from games. You can then go to the games page and see all the posts for belts/ingredients.
I dont know that it is possible for a FB game to stop posts to news feeds and keep them on the game page.
For those of you comparing this to the dreaded Z games - - they do NOT give the same rapid response to problems. They have multiple new things all going on at once (most of which are juvenile) and worst of all of them hooking up with commercial entities to promote their product.