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Old Feb 28 2011, 02:13 PM
Queen.of.Clutter Queen.of.Clutter is offline
Join Date: Aug 25 2009
Location: Cumbola, Pennsylvania
Posts: 261

Gotta pop in here and say that I just LOVE this latest release !!! The facility manager is WONDERFUL !! Love the new tree shaker too !!! Just awesome !!! Thank you so much !! This is going to keep me sane, this game. I just lost my job last week, so Farm Town will help to keep me from falling into a depression.

Nuts on those bills !! I am putting money away NOW to buy more farm cash in anticipation of Farm 9 !!! Hopefully there will be a sale on it, I have found that if it is on sale (not too often at all it seems .... ) I buy more than I normally would.

Does anyone else do that?? Buy more when it's on sale ??

Geez !! Forgot to add a HUGE thanks for the Forklift !!!!

I have NEVER played a game that I can honestly say is this great. Not just the game, but the Moderators, and the Develpers. Our suggestions are not only read, but taken into account and usually implemented !! The mods are prevalent on the boards, and extremely helpful. Thank you all !!
Queen.of.Clutter's Farm

Last edited by Queen.of.Clutter; Feb 28 2011 at 02:18 PM.