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Old Feb 28 2011, 01:15 AM
JoeyBee JoeyBee is offline
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Join Date: Feb 27 2011
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Originally Posted by JAS0643 View Post
Since they added the hire to plow option to the game some people have felt they where entitled to the plow job, which they are not, and have used every excuses in the book to justify their thinking. I have never felt that the harvester should automatically get the plowing job, sometimes I am on my farm and will hire them but more often then not I hire someone to harvest leave the game come back later and hire to plow. She said you where being rude by not thinking her and not hiring her to plow, she really needs to 1. get a life and 2. take a long hard look in the mirror because sending you that first messes telling you what to do on your farm was very rude on her part. I also have to disagree with the person saying that they are one of the few that do not beg for work in the mp. I have not seen that many beggars in mp in a long time, yes there are still a few but not as many as there used to be. I would bet that the person that you hired is one of the people that think that asking for any work in the mp no matter how nicely asked is begging.
I appreciate the support, and really needed to vent. The whole thing was so unexpected and mental and left me feeling highly annoyed. Why send people messages like that in a game?

Also, she won't let this go, I logged on now to find this message:

"Well there you go I polled the marketplace and you lost. 90% of then thought it was rude not to come back and thank the person doing the work and always rude that you do not ask them if they would like to plow!! Maybe you should do your farm yourself and let the game players play the game and still have fun with it "
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