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Old Jan 15 2011, 04:14 PM
earlgray earlgray is offline
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Originally Posted by Toranut97 View Post
I have a right to my opinions, you know.

There was a long series of posts begging/cajoling/whining/pleading etc. for better/different/more personal communication with the devs. I was not responding to you in particular, except for the statement about updates being on a schedule. I just don't get the obsession with this.

I think we have perfectly fine communication with the devs via the mods. That is my opinion and I am entitled to it. In my mind, I would rather they spent their time and energy on development of the game, not in answering posts on a message board filled with -- well, I will be prudent and not say what I am thinking.

I read this forum -- and only this particular board -- to stay posted on updates and how those updates shake out for folks. I choose not to read the suggestions or social forums. If I want to read it -- and comment on it -- I will. If you don't want to read my comments, scroll on by. I will do you the same favor.
Actually, maybe I didn't word my original post as carefully as I could have, but what I was suggesting really amounted to LESS communication from the devs. That it might have been easier NOT to have been told that farm 8 was coming out in the next release, which got everybody (including me) excited about it. But hey, FT is a great game, and sure, I can wait, and I will be thrilled when it does come out, 'cause I've got plans for it.

And sure, you've got a right to your opinion. We've got no argument.
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