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Old Jan 15 2011, 03:39 PM
earlgray earlgray is offline
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Originally Posted by Toranut97 View Post
Oh, come on people! I know many of you are homebound, limited in entertainment options, whatever, but give it up. Begging, pleading and threatening is foolish. And it looks foolish. Why should these devs tell us ANYTHING??? We are beta-testing a free game for them and enjoying it. I can't see they owe us any advance warning of anything. If someone is building his/her life and schedule around some phantom update release rumor they do so at their own risk, and shouldn't get huffy when the rumor does not come to pass.

I bolded a few words in the above post, because apparently this poster does not remember when, in the not-so-distant-past, updates came out months and months apart, not weeks. And these were "major" updates with huge upgrades and improvements to the game -- like adding harvestable animals, harvestable flowers, you know. They seemed like unexpected surprises when they came. It was fun and low pressure.

Honestly, I wish everyone would just calm down and add another hobby. This is getting ridiculous.
Why on earth are you getting so huffy? I said I wasn't complaining. And yes, I remember perfectly will when major updates were months apart. But they haven't been in the recent past, so one gets used to the newer "schedule". If the posts bother you so much, you can stop reading through them. Sheesh.
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