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Old Nov 24 2010, 12:04 PM
StoneFace StoneFace is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2010
Posts: 2,104

Originally Posted by Jennifer Michelle View Post
I really love playing the game with all the new updates, facilities and products ... being able to help on other people's farms is really entertaining and profitable as well as a chance to either chat with new people or look around at their farm to see some of the incredible ideas people are using in their farm designs. ...

That being said, there seems to be a problem with the ever increasing inventory requirements ... The problem is with timing and the production output of the Farm Cash Paid For Facilities like the Semi-Trailer Truck, the Fish Farming Plant and the Bee Farm ...

When I put out a production I like to give a wide variety of products from a wide selection of facilities with sufficient quantity to make it fun for those who visit my farms and work at my facilities ... I believe that half the fun is gaining XP, coins and Product ... however, it is getting to a point where a person has to pick and choose what facilities they are going to use ... many of the facilities have to remain idle or put out such a low volume of production that it is not worth having ... BECAUSE the output from the 3 facilities I mentioned is NOT NEARLY enough to satisfy the growing demand.

Examples ... Chicken is put out at the rate of 5 units per hour or 120 units per day ...Yeast is put out at 5 units per every 2 hours or 60 units per day ...
Chicken requirements with the addition of the latest restaurants has grown to 4440 units to produce a full production run, but the output from a single "Truck" takes approximately 37 days to make and deliver that much chicken ... (it was bad when the requirements from the Taco Restaurant were 1440, but it is ridiculous now) ... Yeast takes 300 units to make a full production run in the Brewery ... but it takes the "Truck" 5 days to make that much yeast ... so if you put out a full compliment of Brewery products you can't use that facility for another 5 days ...

The Bee Farm takes about 10 days to produce enough jars of honey to meet the requirements of 1410 for full production and Beeswax (a new product) takes 4 1/2 days ...

Fish Farming Plant requirements are also ridiculous ... Shrimp requires 600 units which takes 18.75 days to produce ...

Since we paid Farm Cash (Real Money) for these facilities and since we pay coins for production, and fuel in the case of the "Truck" output something needs to be done to either increase the production output or speed up the timing ... We should not have to pick and choose what we are going to produce and which of our facilities we are going to have sitting idle for a month at a time ...

I don't have the answer, I put this out to the developers and the other players to come up with a reasonable solution ... otherwise, why purchase more facilities ... My Seafood Restaurant is getting filled with cobwebs and my Pasta Restaurant hasn't made anything "Chicken" since the first week I owned it ...

We increased our "Crop" output by fertilizer and we increased the ability to own and harvest more trees with the Tree Shaker ... purchasing a "Truck" for every farm and 2 or 3 Bee Farms and Fish Farms is not realistic ... in the cost or the design of the farms ... I have purchased a second Truck (begrudgingly) to help alleviate the problems on my farms, but it takes FC away from other tools or facilities ...
agreed.... except for the red

I use gifts to help the chicken needs and at even up to 100 gifts daily, it is rough to keep up that way.

I did buy multiple semi for each set of farms because of the need for yeast, then chicken and meat. But 4 semi trucks cost a LOT. However, I do not want, need, nor desire many of the facilities offered. So I concentrate on the restaurants and the wineries.... nothing beat good food and drink

I only use the beefarm for the brewery, so I have LOTS of honey jars that I would sell if I could... same for the beeswax. And I actually have about 3000 yeast at each farm now for sale.... except I can't sell them to another farmer like yourself.

However I don't agree that we should not "pick and choose".

My opinion is that the devs have offered so many choices.... so we can make choices.

I prefer to have each of 7 (14) farms look like a farm as best I can. Not a cluster of trees on top of buildings on top of crop patches.

Now that my wife does not play as often, I plant her 6 farms with all onions. It can supply all my needs without me planting any onions..... 1000 twice a day to each set of farms if I want...... But I realize that is not available to everyone.......


[1] you get a family member to join facebook.....
[2] you get them onto Farm Town
[3] they start a farm, buy the manure spreader and maybe the 4x4 harvester and plower


[4] then give you access to the planting and harvesting.... no facilities or other "toys" and "stuff".... thus becoming your "feeder" farm.

Original Set of Farms
Ache-n-back Acres
Ranchito Knotso Grande
Coast-aplenty Plantation
More Wine, Less Whine
Fattoria Sesto

Had to build a second set
Weed-em N-Reap Acres
Garden of Weed’n
Dave’s Ja Vu
Iowna Lotaland
Ifarmther Fouriam
Settima Cittą

...... .....