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Old Sep 13 2010, 02:51 PM
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speedmonkey speedmonkey is offline
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Originally Posted by Molly Mew View Post
Just a word of warning here: whilst this kind of behaviour in the game is indeed annoying, it does not warrant use of the report button.

'Report' should be reserved for more serious cases where players are using abusive language, making racist comments, using threats, etc. In a case such as you describe, the ignore button is the better option. It will remove the person from your game and you will not have to deal with them again.

Use of the report button for less serious 'offences' can result in your own account being placed under review.

Secondly: I have removed the player's avatar name from your post. Naming players on the forum is counter-productive, as there could be thousands of players with the same name, and it's unfair to the majority who play the game in a reasonable manner.

Hope you don't mind my using your post to make these points, but this is something that does come up quite often, and many players are not aware of the difference between 'report' and 'ignore'.

I will be more careful in the future. I felt that it was a form of abuse, she was extremely rude and it seemed to me that it was an abuse of my willingness to help my fellow farmers. The player was also very rude to another farmer in the market place calling them an idiot in front of everyone because the other farmer spelled her name wrong. Calling me (and others) an idiot seemed like verbal abuse. Maybe it seemed that way to me because I would never dream of calling someone names for trying to help me. I will make sure in the future to just use the ignore button instead. Since things like this can be such a negative impact on players and their opinion of the game I thought it would be more of a serious offense. I wish there was a way for me to find this user again so that I can add them to my ignore list.

As far as posting the players name I forgot momentarily that others may have the same user name. Thank you for removing it and I will keep that in mind in the future. I will go back and edit my post to remove any reference to the players name.

Thank you for the information!

Originally Posted by ImTznU View Post
Sorry Speed that this happened to you, and more sorry that it upset you so much. Honestly it is that of a childish prank. I frankly would not waste the energy on being upset over it, it is pure silliness. You can always put them on ignore. As for myself, when people say in the market to meet them on their farm for a job I never go lol I figure hey hire me here if ya want me to work. I have always thought that was an odd way of hiring. Anyway keep a smile and don't sweat the small stuff.
I was only upset momentarily it just upset me that she wasted time that I could have been using to help someone that really wanted help costing me time, crops, and coins (that I might need for farm 6 ) I had never had a person request that I go to their farm to be hired before. I assumed that since the market place had so many people in it at the time she was unable to locate me to hire me. I won't be making that mistake again. I think what upset me the most is that there are people out there that get their jollies off of being rude and childish, it is just a bit disappointing.

Thank you both Molly and ImTznU for your feedback on this. Now back to happy farming.

Will harvest any crops, any trees and flowers!

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