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Old Sep 02 2010, 03:03 AM
tiffany123 tiffany123 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 24 2010
Posts: 6

Bonjour à tous,

Alors, suite à cette histoire, je suis retombée à nouveau dans une ferme aux multiples récoltes superposées!!! non pas 2 mais 8 couches de récolte!!!!!!! Donc évidement, je me suis dit là, il faut que l'on m'explique bien PRECISEMENT comment faire!!!! donc j'ai toute l'explication mais en anglais! Donc, si un bilingue passe par ici, s'il peut nous faire la traduction, je pense que ça rendrait service à beaucoup de personnes!!!!


#1 - START with a freshly plowed field - ensure nothing is left unplowed.

#2 - On the plowed field farm (which is where you will always do things from) Use the PLUG to disconnect your farm. It is located along the top beside your farm name - You know - the thing that looks like a plug. MAKE IT RED.

#3 RIGHT CLICK on PLAY - 2nd item down is "Open Link in new TAB" choose that option to open a whole new farm.

#4 Go to the new farm/tab & to the plowed field that you have waiting - DISCONNECT it with the plug as well. (You will disconnect every single tab you open.)

#5 - repeat step 3 & 4 for however many layers you want to do. (first timers, try two layers first) - or not. continue until you have as many tabs/farms opened as you want layers.

#6 - START at the tab furthest to your LEFT (always) and you can begin to seed - using your longest timed crop first in that LEFT TAB.

#7 - SEED - CLICK SAVE (the disc beside your farm name) and close. move to your next farm/tab furthest to the left. No you do not have to wait for the avatar to catch up.

#8 - SEED - SAVE - CLOSE TAB - after seeding every layer - your last layer Click play instead of closing the tab. DO NOT FORGET TO SAVE PRIOR TO CLOSING TABS!!!
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