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Old Aug 22 2010, 09:34 AM
gdboyer119 gdboyer119 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 23 2009
Posts: 2

One of the problems with people saying thank you is when they do get hired they go to the farm to do the work and maybe 1/8 of the farm needs to be done and there are 3-5 people hired to do it. meanwhile you may have lost a whole farm. that gets me angry and I wont thank the person. I ususally just leave. when i hire people i hire one person. and i let them do the whole farm and then go to the next farm with the same person. as long as they want to work i give them all they can do. I always start with my neighbors first. if there is no one on I go to my buddies. they have worked for me before and do a great job so i prefer to hire them. if no one is on then i go to the market. if i find a good person i add them to my buddy list for futre work. One thing we do need is a fireing button to get rid of those that are less desirable to have working on your farm. they dont follow instructions, wont do as you ask, make rude comments to you, or just go all over the place and make a mess. we should be able to get rid of them and hire someone else.
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