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Old Apr 20 2010, 02:38 PM
SteelerChick SteelerChick is offline
Join Date: May 14 2009
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Default Losing neighbors

Originally Posted by daybarb View Post
I have to say, your programmers are fabulous!!! I am so excited about this game, I may even be coming close to being an addict.
It is odd that people complain about neighbors not using theads to help them. Many people do not know what to do or what benefit they would derive from the work. WHY JUST SIT THERE AND COMPLAIN, DO SOMETHING!! Educate your neighbors and friends, it only takes a monent to write an explanation to them and will do you a world of good! HELP OTHER IF YOU CAN! I believe that is the main difference between Farm Town and some of the other Farm games.
Ever think your neighbors might be missing because you haven't cleared your cache. My neighbors are only missg briefly...clear the cache and there they isn't magic, i is working with your computer.
Hugs to all, and especially to the Farm Town are fabulous!!
Have fun people!
Come visit my farms! You are welcome any time!!
First, I educate my friends and neighbors and "employees" every chance I get--for example, if you pause for just a second every 10 fields as you are harvesting or plowing (on FACEBOOK), the coins/points are added up and you can move on without getting a time-out error. Also, hiring TWICE gets rid of the tool and all you have to do is click. The tools drive me nuts, especially during plowing.

Second, I have cleared my cache over and over (on both IE and Google Chrome) and my neighbors are still gone. Suggestions???