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Old Apr 04 2010, 07:24 AM
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Heddryin Heddryin is offline
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Default What is the envelope in the game?


The envelope icon at the top of your game screen between the Farmers Lists icon and your XP amount for your current Level is where you can read any messages that farmers have sent to you in game.

If there is a number in red on the message envelope that means you have a message you have not read yet.

Messages can not be saved. There is room to show around 50 farmers messages at a time. You can receive more messages than that but it can't show you all of them at once.

The red counter, on the message envelope, will not go above 99 and if you have more unread messages than that, it will just show a + sign on the envelope.
As you read the messages and they get below 99 the counter will start counting up again as new messages come in.

We recommend you read your messages when you get them and don't let them build up as you can only open them one at a time.

To open your messages, click on the envelope and you will see your Inbox. You will see who sent messages and part of the message if the message is a long one.

Example of an Inbox with received messages:

If you are new to playing Farm Town and don't have any messages yet the list will be blank.

Mouseover a message and it will highlight in yellow.

Click on the highlighted message that you want to read to open it.

The opened message will show you some information about the sender, things like:
  • their message
  • their avatar name and in brackets their first name
  • the date and time of the message
  • a picture of their avatar
  • their profile picture if they have one
  • a few details like their level and amount xp earned so far
  • any coloured dots you see represent things like if they are on line in the game, have active co-operative quests, are your super neighbour. All of the coloured dots are explained in Chapter 05 - Neighbours and Buddies Farmer Lists.

Example of a message:

If you receive a long message that is longer than what can display in the box, there will be a scroll bar to the right you can use to scroll the message to see the rest. In the example below the majority of the sent message has been removed for privacy and the scroll bar is indicated with a red arrow.

If you have a mouse with a wheel you can just use the mouse wheel to scroll the message to see more of it.

If you don't have a mouse with a scroll wheel you can just click on the bar to the right and drag the bar to view more of the message.

The red X top right of the message closes the message box.

Also at the bottom of the message they send to you are some more icons that can be useful.
Show History on any message is sometimes useful if there has been a long time between when a farmer last sent you a message and the new one they sent you. It can show you some what was sent previously, but the it can only show you a small amount. A very long message won't show the whole content of the message. It's there just to give you an idea of what conversation you may have had recently with that farmer.

Read All can be useful if you have not been reading all your messages and have quite few.

If you open any message the Read All will be green when you have a lot of unread messages and you can click on it to mark all messages as read so that the number on the envelope clears.

When there are no unread messages the Read All will be dimmed.

The Green man when clicked on takes you to that farmers farm should you want to go there.

The blue and green Silhouettes are to do with Neighbour and Buddies which are explained in Chapter 05 Requesting Neighbours or Buddies Using a received in game message

The Gift box icon when clicked on will show you the Send Gift section of the Gift Manager as long as you are still able to send them a gift today. If you can not send one at that time you will se a brief message like this:

Note: This is a generic message, it can not show you multiple types to take into account if you own the gifting machines or not so the today part of the notification is not always going to apply to you when you own the gifting machines that allow you to gift numerous times a day.

The red icons to the right of those are to do with blocking and reporting which are explained in Chapter 07 - Blocking In Farm Town

To Reply to the message:

Click on Reply.

Click inside the white box and type your message.

When you are done writing your message, to send the message click on Send at the bottom of the box and your message will be sent to them.

When you are done writing your message, to send the message click on Send at the bottom of the box and your message will be sent to them.

Last edited by Tiger; Mar 30 2024 at 11:20 AM.