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Old Mar 24 2010, 10:51 AM
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Default What are Animals for?

What are Animals for?

Make sure that you are buying the correct animals for what you want!
Working Animals placed on the farm can not be sent to Item storage until you own more than one farm!
Only you can take care of your working animals, buy, move, store, move to another farm, harvest, sell or delete them!

There are 2 types of Animals:

  1. Working animals give you animal products when they are in animal sheds and those animal sheds are harvested.
    These products can be used to make other products in your facilities.
    These are all of the Working Animals that can produce products:

    Some working Animals can be bought from the Animal section of the store and cost coins, some cost Farm Cash and produce more products than the coin bought version can.

    Some working animals can be sent to you as gifts by your Neighbours/Buddies. You can also exchange your gifts for them before you accept them.

    Harvesting Horse Hair from the Horse or Clydesdale horse does require owing a Farm Cash Stable.

    Harvesting Manure from Pigs does require owing a Manure Spreader as well as Pigs and a Pigsty.

    IMPORTANT - Placing a lot of loose animals on farms that are not stored in animal sheds, especially if you have a slower or older computer can cause a farm to load much slower or be impossible for some to load. Please do not be tempted to buy the maximum of every type animal any animal shed will hold in one go. Always try buying a smaller amount like 50 then store them before you buy more than that.

    There is a hard limit of 400 animals that you can have out on a farm BUT this does not mean that every farmer is capable of loading a farm with that many loose animals on it. When hiring workers they will not be able to know before accepting the hire, if you have done that to your farms.

    A much faster way to buy and store working animals into their shed can be bought from the store. Instead of buying hundreds of sheep, llamas, ostriches, peacocks that cost coins, one at a at time, is to use the Herding Robot if you own one.
    To see all the information on the Herding Robot tool and what else it can do with animals CLICK HERE

    Other ways that you could receive animals or animal products:
    If you have a train with the Long Cattle Car attached and dispatched, when it has retuned from it's trip and you unload it, you will get some animals sent to your item storage for you to use.

    Boosting Neighbours/Buddies working Trains that has the Long Cattle Car on it will get you some animals.

    Some animals and animal products can be earned as Rewards if you are participating in the Farm Pass feature.

    Buying and Trading is another way to top up your stock of animal products.

    There are some facilities that could help with increasing the products that you get from your animals. We will list those details in a separate post, later in this Chapter.

  2. Decorative animals do NOT produce any animal products.
    Some are in the Animal section of the store.
    Some are in the Farm Decor section of the store.
    Some can be sent as gifts.
    Some decorative animals can be placed into animal sheds but will not produce any products. This is a throwback from the very early days of Farm Town, later some of those animals became working animals.

Some animals are animated and will move around by themselves, make animal noises, for a bit of fun. Some will look like they are eating your crops, don't worry they don't!
To turn off the animal sounds and the music:

Mouseover the sound icon and another icon will drop down, the music icon.

To turn all sounds and music off, click on both icons to turn them red.

How to change Animal behaviour on farms:
Option 1: If you do not want any of your animals to move on any of your farms you can set all farms so that none of them will move around by themselves, using your preferences.
To freeze your animals on all farms, click on the preferences icon top right of your game screen and add a check mark to Freeze Animals, then click on the green check mark at the bottom of the window to save your changes.

Option 2: If your prefer, you can also change the animal behaviour on a per farm basis. You may want to do that when decorating a farm theme and want to keep a few animals out but contained within fences.
To do this go to the farm that you want to change the animal behaviour on. Click on your farms name at the top of your game screen and towards the bottom you will see a drop down list that you can click on. Click the option that you want to use, Always Freeze animals in this farm or Never Freeze animals in this farm then click on the green check mark to save the change.

Whenever you change any setting, refresh the farm before moving the animals.

If your farm has a lot of items on it, when you move the animal it can teleport to the new spot instead of walking to it.

Last edited by Tiger; Dec 03 2024 at 10:57 AM.