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Old Dec 23 2009, 01:33 PM
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Kelsey Kelsey is offline
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Originally Posted by Raul View Post
Hi There,

We closed the other threads related to the latest release to make it easier to collect feedback.

A new version was released an hour ago, it is very similar to the way it was before, and at some times it will be even faster as the avatar is still teletransported when is working on close fields, this may have the effect of the avatar been closer to where the people are working most of the time, which may also contribute to have less collisions.

This version still contains many other improvements targeted to minimize the amount of XP / coins lost, we don't expect it to be as efective as with the latest version, but we still expect improvments on that area, so may be this is a good balance at the end.

Please provide feedback on the new experience.



I finally went on to see this new update for myself.
Hired someone to harvest and she is zooming away.
As I hired her, I was hired to harvest. Wholly fast batman!! I love it!
I was hired with a bunch of other people so did not stick around to try plowing. Hired my hire to plow - cannot see what she is doing. Not losing coins or gaining xp and cannot see any plowed plots though she is running all over the place. (my farm is layered which could be the issue)

But the harvesting .... yeehaw!
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