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Old Dec 23 2009, 11:50 AM
dixiegirl dixiegirl is offline
Join Date: Aug 10 2009
Posts: 29

ok... I love this game. For those that are saying it is as fast it in NOT! I am a consistant worker, I always work in rows and neatly. I work fast because I have DSL and a new puter. I work and chat. Now I cant. It takes so long to plow it is frustrating. Click.. wait.. click ... wait. Ummm NO. Harvesting was a little better but not much. I did go to market and hire out in order to try for myself and I hate the changes that were rolled out on the 22. I have been playing since spring, and I remember when we were like this before and I woldnt go to market, only worked for friends. Please roll back to pre Dec 22nd so I can continue to play. I dont have time to play like it is now.
I love the game and think the Dev do a great job overall... but this one was a step back!