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Old Dec 23 2009, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Iowa_Guy View Post
A job well done, the new update is great. If the developers let themselves be pushed around by a few unhappy players then that's just to bad. It seems everyone who is complaining is complaining about the speed. I've had more compliments about my speed tonight than ever before. The speed has not changed at all and now you have to make every click of your mouse count. You have improved the game for the masses and that's who the game is for right?

It will be a mistake if you go back to the way it was before 12.22.2009. With this update you have leveled the playing field and made the game more challenging and interesting. Do you want FT to be fair and challenging, the same for everyone or is the game for the few who wine the loudest. The new update does take the hop-scotchers out of the picture, some folks call them harvest hogs or plow pigs. We all know who they are, they don't know how to have a strategy with the game. The new way you had better have a strategy or you will work your way in to a corner and take forever walking to get to your next plot to harvest or plow. If the developers spend some time in the markets listening the players they will see some complain sure but the masses are still playing the game, just like before. As a matter of fact there happen to be more new names in the marketplace tonight. Raul, this game is for everyone, not just the whiners who can't really play. Make every mouse click count, have a strategy and really learn how the game works, not just wildly clicking here and there. If other games were that way think of the chaos it would cause in a shooters game, or any game for that matter. Leave the new upgrade the way it is if you really want the game to be for the masses, for the every average person who wants to play it.

I've only been able to score about 500,000 coins tonight and about 7,000 XP points. It is just like any other night if you really want to play. Give the new system an honest try before you cave in to the whiners. You've got millions of players, don't make a decision for everyone on what a few dozen have to say in this forum.
This is the best post about the new method yet.
Well said Iowa Guy, I agree with every word.
The new method actually takes a bit of co-ordination, skill and stratedgy and once mastered, is actually faster and more precise than the old way.
I'd like to see the Devs give it a week, then I bet a lot more would see what we mean.
I wish they wouldn't change it back, but I'm not gonna whinge about it and threaten to go to leave if they do.