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Old Dec 23 2009, 01:48 AM
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JAS0643 JAS0643 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 10 2009
Location: Kentucky, USA
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I personally want the faster (queuing) of the work. I do not like the idea of only one worker but I could live with that if:

  1. It means others will not lose xps and coins when they work.
  2. It is just temporary until you find a fix for those that lose xps and coins.
Here are the reasons I don't want it permanently limited to one worker.

  1. I have a farm that is all crops and usually hire 2 to 4 workers to harvest which I think is very fair.
  2. There are groups that are friends that like to have harvest parties at each others farms and the limit will stop that from happening.
  3. This one may seem petty but here it is. There are some that are greedy and do not the fact that others are hired to work with them, (I'm not talking about the cases of 10 people being hired for 200 fields) so to have a limit of 1 worker lets them get their way and I do not like the idea of them winning that debate.
  4. If people would watch what others are doing and not try to run all over each other there wouldn't be a great need for a fix.
So given the choice of the way you put it tonight or limit of one worker I vote for one worker.

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