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Old Dec 22 2009, 10:07 PM
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Little Hoss Little Hoss is offline
Join Date: Jun 25 2009
Location: Morayfield, Qld Australia
Posts: 16

I can see I'm in the minority here, I actually welcome the new changes.
The best part about them is that it stops the PECKERS, who'd peck into a field like a darn chicken, taking plots from all over the place. It'll keep farmers in their own areas and not sniping plots out from under our feet.
And i was no slouch either, I'm constantly being told how fast I am at both harvesting and plowing.

This way just seems fairer. Anyone can just click, click, click, all over the screen real quickly and snag as many plots as ya can, then claim to be a fast plower. coz there's no skill in that.
This new way actually takes a bit of Mouse Control and Co-ordination, it will really seperate the Farmers from the Fakers.

It's only taken me two harvests and plows to get up to speed with this method and I find it only slightly slower than the old method. Actually quicker than the old method if I was working with a peckerhead or two, who kept cutting my rows in half.
It's like all the updates ppl hated, once ya get used to it and up to speed you'll probably see how it's much better than the old way.

Thanx Bert and Raul, This is a great Update.