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Old Dec 22 2009, 07:49 PM
Candi Yam Candi Yam is offline
Join Date: Oct 21 2009
Posts: 4
Default This is totally rediculous

I realise this game is in beta phase, but this last "new release" will be the death of Farm Town...I loved this game yesterday , now I am so frustrated I will most likely stop playing. It took me almost an hour to harvest and plow "most" of my neighbors farm. I am level 60, I know pretty much what I am doing here. But I do not have the time to spend an hour on a farm, all alone ( I like working solo) trying to do a good job for the person who hired me... I also respect other farmers who are working the same farm I work.. I try not to get in the area they harvest and only hope they do the same .
PLEASE rethink this latest move....I just harvested my own farm because I did not want to put anyone else thru the *bleep* I went through trying to harvest my neighbors farm...
It took a very long time just to harvest, plow, and plant 1/4 of my 2nd farm!

I have enjoyed this game so much but if you don't fix this mess you made today, I will leave, spend all my town in FarmVille (groan) and never spend another penny buying a thing here!

I do thank you for the fun I had here and for all the nice people I have met on Farm Town.