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Old Dec 01 2009, 10:15 PM
drwhit73 drwhit73 is offline
Join Date: Apr 17 2009
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by Littlebean View Post
Greeting's, I like the design of the new item's and farm's you have released, BUT...

You have taken the fun factor from the game by cutting profit margin's and not correcting the ongoing Glitches and Failures as a whole. I planted plowed and harvested my farm's and instead of making coin to buy the new goodies cost me more coin then I made...I have given it my best with several planting's but to realise you have slashed the amount of coin we make per harvest it just plain dumb on your part.

I know several players that are now considering leaving this game to go back to Farmville where at least they handle the Glitches first then the upgrades come after.

this game has too many Video Glitches, The new Crops are extreamly hard to harvest for some of us, somehow u have slowed down the ability to harvest fast and now takes forever to harvest anything ( again lowering our profit margins)
Plowing 1000 squares and only getting credit for 248 of them, Fix what you break before releasing what new items you create because if u continue on present NOTICED course ...your gonna have so many broken thing's that you wont fix anything.

I know of Several hundred players that are unhappy with your current course of inactions and non responciveness in the forums and in fixing the game,

me myself, this game has become a overglorified chat box to talk to friends on that have no other means of chatting. it used to be fun to play, now its just a time consumming chunk of glitched junk on the internet.

Ya it looks cool and the Graphics are decent but why bother playing? if as a player you cannot advance in a game?

I have done allot of Beta testing in my time on several hundred games, this game ranks maybe a 3 on a scale maxed at 10 being the best.

Fixes u need to fix, Experiance loss while Plowing on other farm's, Memory Bleed, CPU bleed, Server Disconects, Short timeout periods,loosing experiance and coins when returning home from other's Farm's(even after clicking save) and the list goes on...and on ....and on....
I have never personally seen memory or cpu problems on Farmtown. CPU generally runs less than 10% and memory around 10M. Compare that to a Zynga game such as Cafe World where the memory runs around 1G and CPU usage around 100%. Could be computer specs. Maybe invest in one with a spell check too.
Whiting Acres