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Old Nov 29 2009, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Mitch0769 View Post
never said anything about FV being better than FT, just said certain things are implemented in a more effecient way, programming wise over at FV. I mean it shows by how many users there are... 66milllion vs. 18 million. I love farm town and will argue for it against my friends who play farm ville but i do question some of the programmers decisions here.
Can you tell me how this update is not being implemented in an efficient way? They are rolling the update out slowly because past updates have taught them that major updates to all 300 + servers at one time can cause major problems for people that takes weeks to fix and puts them behind on what they want to do with the game. The last time they did a rolling update it took a month this one is only going to take a few days in my opinion that is not that bad. Just because you don't have the update doen't mean they are being inefficient about this update. I wish people would stop comparing farm town to farm villa there is no need in doing that. I don't play farm villa but I do play other zanga games and if FV is anything like them it is a joke when it comes to updates and how things work. In my opinion Zanga would rather turn out more apps to make more money then to make the apps they do have great apps.

Originally Posted by Mitch0769 View Post
I would much rather have a game that works right, than a game with millions of random goodies and options... get the XP problem right before you continue adding on to the game.... learn from the users or the game will die... example: farmville 66,000,000 users... farm town: 16,000,000 users... hmmmmm?

In this post you say ft has 16 million users in another you say 18 million FYI Farm Town as over 27 million users.

Originally Posted by missykay View Post
I am one of the users that doesn't have the second farm available yet. But I was excited to know you can store the trees now. And was even more ecstatic when I went to my farm and found you can store the flowers also!!!! I had extra flowers I couldn't find the right place for and didn't want to sell them so I can use later. Now I can store them instead of having them in just a bunch. Thank you so much!!!! Can't wait to get my second farm!!!

I am reposting this because I just went through the thread and saw that it costs $3 MILLION coins to purchase a 12x12 farm!?!?!?! Is this what we have waited so long for???? Then the upgrades start at 100,000 for 14x14 and increase by 100,000 up to 20x20 for 400K???? So a new farm and all upgrades costs 4 MILLION COINS!?!?!?!?!?

That is completely ridiculous!!! Our original farms cost a total of 230,000 coins for a 24x24 farm!!! How is a total of 4 million for a farm 2 sizes smaller even remotely fair????? That is so out of proportion!! I can see the 2nd farm costing like 100,000 coins and each upgrade costing 10,000 or 15,000 (since it was 5,000 difference for original). I know there's inflation, but I bet one reason people play games like this is because we don't have to worry about it like the real world!!

We have waited so long for this option and now, to me at least, it feels like we're getting screwed!! I think you need to rethink the prices and make them more fair. I'm level 42 now and have about 2.6 million coins and have been playing since spring/summer. So I have saved up. But for those who haven't been playing as long or like to buy holiday items and more decorations, 3 million coins for the second farm is really ridiculous and FAR FROM BEING FAIR!!!!

I was so excited when I saw the top of the thread but then completely disappointed when I discovered the costs! We've waited so long, please go back and make the costs more fair!!!!! Especially for those who have been loyal and patient for all these months of waiting!

There's my rant for the day!
THIS IS A GAME NOT REAL LIFE. If you have been playing since the spring you should have tons of coins unless you have spent them on things, I personally think the 5,100,000 coins it takes to get to the 24x24 second farm very fair and just right, it makes you really work for more land and not just get more land handed to you because you have planted a farm full of any crop. Coins are free and easy to get in this game the developers could have made the second farm FC only but they didn't. A week ago I had over 6.5 million coins, and I have not worked for others in about 3 months, which let me buy most of the stuff I wanted and to upgrade my second farm all the way up to 24x24 now I'm low on coins again but I can always earn more by planting crops or pimping myself out at the mp.

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