Farm Town

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Witch Hazel Oct 23 2010 04:31 AM

I love the new essential oil how it looks! THANK YOU!!! I had thought when I first started playing this game over a year ago that I wouls do a flower/herb farm. Soooohappy with the new release...but now I have to rethink all six farms as part of a whole. Very happy to do so! Very happy to be able to really decide the theme of my farm expressed thru facilities and not just leap over flames to get the newest one. THANK YOU DEVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Oh, and THANK YOU FOR LAVENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VeronicaT Oct 23 2010 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by earlgray (Post 4073790)
I have to agree. I haven't added it all up, but the people who've bought all the facilities and tools that require FC have spent a LOT of money on this game. Lately you've been coming out with about 60 FC worth of new facilities every other week (and that's not even counting the tools that cost FC); since 60 FC costs at least $10, that would amount to over $250 per year to keep up with it all!

I have purchased FC and don't mind doing so within reason, but I think the FC prices for facilities are just too high. I think if the prices were between half and two-thirds of what they currently are, it would be a lot more reasonable (though even then it would still be expensive to buy all the FC facilities). Frankly, I think you ought to cut the prices (and to be fair, refund the difference to those who've paid the higher prices).

I completely agree. I've bought FarmCash and I really don't mind doing it every once in a while to get premium items but with each new release there are more items that cost FC rather than coins and that's annoying. But I want all facilities so I buy them. Other FC items, such as a sprinkler, fall to the wayside. I was excited about a 4x4 seeder but quickly my excitement became disappointment/annoyance because it was FC and it wasn't just 20 or 30, it was 45! Come on! That's a lot especially for me when I'm unemployed due to the economy! I love FarmTown and it's the sole reason I don't delete my FB account. I am grateful for new items, crops and facilities so I can produce more items but like someone else pointed out, the essential oils could've been added to the Natural Remedies shop! Instead of releasing more facilities why not add new products to the existing ones?! I'm also excited about Farm 7 but I'm also dreading how much it and the upgrades are going to cost me. Please make them cheaper! The prices for the farms and upgrades are ridiculous even if you're not paying FC for them.

TootTootTootsie Oct 23 2010 04:38 AM

Absolutely amazing, thank you so very much!

"Maggie" Oct 23 2010 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by mfarmerp (Post 4073330)
Really like the changes, but hope there are some new animals soon. We've had lots of updates with no new animals. I really would love to see buffalo and deer. And the ability to buy cows, etc. Other than that, no complaints.

We are unanimous in this!! It's been a long time acoming. Could even go into the zoo realm of things...that would be awesome.....totally different aspect of the game..I have farm 9 slotted for

Great job again devs. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

Mrs Mags Oct 23 2010 05:47 AM

Wow!!! You guys are simply the best...thank you so much...:):):)

LadyMedusa Oct 23 2010 06:05 AM

Awesome update guys! :) Thank you very much for the camera tool on MySpace.

Hyacinth Bucket Oct 23 2010 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by A Tiller the Pun (Post 4074158)
However, I can't find the log truck. Has this been forgotten? It would be extremely convenient to have it included, please. Great work.

It is there, it's listed as 'chainsaw', the bright orange one.

Toranut97 Oct 23 2010 06:34 AM

Mind boggling. I thought this was a fabulous update, and it took only 13 posts before the whining started. THIRTEEN!!!! Amazing, people. Once again we have folks who can't find the "Suggestions" forum, and who have the FarmCash blues. Egads, can't we just have a one day moratorium on complaining??? (I am not talking about functional issues, just the blasted complaints!)

And it is so often the same people. Wahhhhhhhhh!

LOL.....gotta love human beings. Can't be pleased with a FREE game. So there are some luxury add-ons you must pay for. Waaaaaaahhhhhh! You know what? You can play this game WITHOUT those things. It's like the difference between owning a microwave and not. Yeah, you can still boil water and make popcorn without one. But the thing is convenient if you can afford it. Geesh!

pelicn Oct 23 2010 06:43 AM

Once again the update is EXCELLENT! Thank you so much for the hard work and dedication in keeping the game fun!

Cookie01 Oct 23 2010 06:48 AM

Fabulous. Thanks Guys. :)

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