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Raul Apr 03 2017 07:11 PM

New Release -- April 3rd, 2017
See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Updates at the end of this post. Last changes released on April 27th, 7:40PM.

Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following new features and bug fixes: En Espaņol AQUI

1. 12 Easter items: 3 as gifts, 5 on the top of the Easter category in the store and 4 at them bottom.

2. 22 Ships and Ports related decorations: 21 of them available at level 100, they are on the 'Other' category in the store, about one third from the top. The last one is a big crane available at level 825 at the very end of the category. It has 2 versions, you can attach containers to one of the versions.

3. 44 x 44 Farm expansions for the first 10 farms: 25,000,000,000 coins or 30 farm cash each.

4. Crop tools 6 x 6 with extended mode support (FC): This new set of crop tools will work all fields in a squared area the size of 6x6 fields using the new faster method of farming, only highlighting a fixed squared section of the farm.

The main benefit of these tools is for working up to 576 partially overlapped fields at once. Overlapping fields is still not officially supported but if you do it on your farms or work on other players farms that do overlap fields, these new set of tools will enable a much faster farming.

5. Bug fixes released in the past 3 weeks:

- Bugfix: Hidden ships in the Seaport Manager showing again after a while
- Bugfix: Fixed issues when navigating to other players farms from the Seaport Manager
- Bugfix: The smaller harvesters (non extended mode tools) were not highlighting the targeted fields correctly, sometimes it was highlighting fields that were not in the correct squared area for the tool

6. Other Improvements:

- When sorting alphabetically in the Storage and Market screens the (Large) box will always appear right after the regular box of the same product
- When sorting by Stored Amount in Storage and Market screens, first the regular and large boxes are combined for every product and then the sort is presented, for ex: if you have 1000 regular cotton boxes and 2000 (Large) cotton boxes, we will assume your total cotton stored is 3000 and will place it accordingly in the crops list
- Added new buttons ( |< and >| ) to most scroll bars in the game that takes you to the top and bottom of the list
- Added a new Belt / Dans sort in the store for the Crops, Trees and Flowers categories
- When a user load one of your ships it will appear at the bottom of the game along with the other users helping you
- The filter and sorting dropdown boxes in the Store, Storage, Market and other screens is now much bigger so you don't have to scroll much
- The Harvesting, Chopping and Fishing operation have been slightly changed to operate in a more uniform way, this will allow us to increase the chances of being able to optimize further these operations. In the case of the fishing, these changes will cause that fishing becomes somehow slower or faster than before depending on the farm being worked on.

7. Other minor Improvements:

Bugfix: The XP progress bar doesn't show how many XP you need to get to the next level for anyone over level 800
Bugfix: When designing on someone else farm, if you change the farm cover it changes your own farm instead of the farm you are designing
Bugfix: When sending farm cash gifts, the picture for the buddies are not shown until the second time the window is opened
Bugfix: When using the Excavator tool, the coins from the sale of the items gets added in the current session but are lost after a reload of the game
Bugfix: When buying any item from the store, if you interrupt the buying process, for example by closing the Choose Model screen, after that, if you click on the farm the avatar do not move
Bugfix: Some users had a special farm corruption that caused the job completion bonus to fail for hired employees, the farm appeared empty but the game was telling otherwise to the employee

8. Landscaping Supplies Factory (FC): Produces Landscaping Supplies.

Gunny Sacks
Tractor Rake
Red Mulch
Sun Guide Cap
Tree Climbing Spikes
Fertilizer Spreader
Flowers in Pot
Flowers in Tinajon

First time use as ingredients: Pansy, Petunia, Blue Hydrangea, Daisy, Yellow Rose, Daylily.

9. Plumbing Supplies Factory (Coins): Produces Plumbing Supplies.

Coupling Set
Sink Trap
Pipe Wrench
Teflon Tape
Plumbing Tool Box
Spring Drain Cleaner
Pipe Cutter
Shower Drain

10. Native American Restaurant (FC): Produces Native American Food.

Seminole Hominy
Navajo Tacos
Cherokee Casserole
Hidatsat Stuffed Pumpkin
Bacon Pemmican
Three Sisters Stew
Juniper Lamb Stew

New products in other facilities: Frybread in the Bakery.
First time use as ingredients: Dried Cranberries, Cream of Mushrooms and Chokecherries.

11. Plumbing Shop (Coins): Provides Plumbing Services and can be stocked with products from the Plumbing Supplies Factory.



Post-Release Updates - April 6th, 5:30AM

-Released 4 facilities.

Post-Release Updates - April 6th, 7:00PM

- Reverted the fishing changes back, now when you click the water items should disappear immediately. This also brings back the original issue, meaning that even when the water items disappear immediately from your screen, they may have not been processed completely on our servers yet. To add more information about the real progress of your farming on our servers we modified the top right blue disk meaning according to these rules:

1. If the disk is white, there are no pending "Save" operations to be completed on our servers

2. If the disk is blue, there is 1 pending "Save" operation to be completed on our servers

3. If the number of pending "Save" operations is bigger than 1, then instead of the disk we will show that number. So if you see a number 5 instead of the disk, it means there are 5 "Save" operations still to be emitted to our servers to "save" your farm work. This also means that if you close your browser at that moment without waiting for that number to go away and show a white disk instead, then the next time you get back to your farm you will have to redo that work again.

Notice that you can't click in the button with the number to Save the operations because the game is already trying to Save the operations, they are just in a queue waiting to be completed by our servers. The speed at which they complete depends on several factors, the amount of items involved, the speed of the users internet connection, the speed of the user computer, etc.

But the most important thing of all, this is the way it has worked since the beginning of the game, 8 years ago, there is nothing new here, the only thing new is that now you are able to see the counter on the top right, and before there was no counter, but there was still the same queue of operations to be completed, under the hood, invisible to you.

We decided to show the counter just so you have a visible idea of how long it will take for the fishing operation to complete on our servers, now that we are hiding the water items immediately as you click on them.

For the trees, flowers, crops, etc, the counter is not technically necessary because that's why the shadow/transparent items are for, when there is a shadow/transparency on the items you click (crops, trees, etc) this means that the operation on those items has not completed yet on the server.

Again, you can just ignore that counter and continue doing the same thing you have been doing.

Or you can use it in your favor, for example if the counter starts to go up abnormally, you know there are some issues with the game, servers, or internet connection somewhere between your computer and our servers.

If this approach works fine, we will also change the Tree Shaker so it hide the items on click instead of showing the transparency/shadows, like the fishing, at least for the bigger extended mode tools, but we hope this can be done to all the tools, including the smaller tools.

Post-Release Updates - April 7th, 8:00PM

- On this released when we introduced some changes to the harvesting of trees and flowers, unintentionally we made it so when using the non-extended mode, that is to say, when using the old highlight mode, as you were clicking on the trees and flowers, you were not able to click on the transparent/shadowed trees or flowers to harvest the next set of plants, this caused some negative effect, as it required you to click exactly on the next still ready to harvest tree or flower, which required more precision, this behavior probably caused a lot of missed clicks and a general degraded experience when harvesting. Now it should be all back to the way it was a week ago in that respect. Even faster, according to our tests, with some other optimizations we have done lately.

More optimizations to come in the next few days and weeks.

Post-Release Updates - April 8th, 2:00AM

- Fixed a bug that was causing the recently worked fields to disappear when using the crop tools.

Post-Release Updates - April 8th, 4:00AM

- Released 22 Ships and Ports related decorations, see post above for more information.

Post-Release Updates - April 20th, 11:40PM

- Released more optimizations for all crop tools, including extend and highlight mode.

Post-Release Updates - April 27th, 7:40PM

- Released a new version that should fix the issues some users were experiencing where some farms do not fully load correctly. If you are still having this issue, please report it on this thread.

Known Issues:

- The zoom in and out using the mouse wheel is not working on the latest update of the Chrome browser when in full screen mode. It should work when you are not in full screen mode or when you click on the + and - icons in the bottom panel. We hope they fix this issue quickly, as it's also happening on other games in facebook.

Taz D Apr 03 2017 07:14 PM

Thanks Raul! :)

WillowTreeFarm Apr 03 2017 07:16 PM

Thank you! The Easter decorations are lovely.

Tiger Apr 03 2017 07:43 PM

Thanks very much Raul and development team.

Love the new tools. Much quicker on overlapped farms :D

Petuniaflower Apr 03 2017 07:48 PM

Bought the new tools Thank you Can't find anything else:confused:Waiting for someone to say,if they have!!

Lee Ann Apr 03 2017 07:56 PM

thank you Raul & team

GoalieAunt Apr 03 2017 08:08 PM

Thank you, I realized the new release was out when I saw that we can sort seeds by belt/dan when planting. That was on my want list. :)

Edit to add: There are now scroll to top/bottom buttons on scroll bars. This will help immensely when I am farming on my iphone. :)

2nd edit: The drop down menu in storage now shows everything and not just the few items. :) I'm really loving this release with just these little changes. Looking forward to see what else there will be.

Snookie Sue Apr 03 2017 08:24 PM

More farm extensions.
That's all I can find in addition to the bigger tool for stacked farms. Oh well, won't be spending much this time guys. Farms are too big already and I don't stack. Maybe the facilities will be nice though. Also really like the butterfly exhibit under the Easter category. Was really, really, really hoping to see some tool that could speed up the oh so time consuming ship loading. As of now my ships are not much more than decorations as I work and try to have a life outside of FT. Still love the game however and appreciate all your hard work and creativity.

jerrbearsr Apr 03 2017 08:26 PM

44x44 expansion for farms 1 - 10.

notaparagod Apr 03 2017 08:27 PM

Excited to see what is new!

Docperk Apr 03 2017 08:36 PM

Thanks for update, can't wait to see the details.

Keef Apr 03 2017 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by jerrbearsr (Post 6153722)
44x44 expansion for farms 1 - 10.

can't see these yet
all I can see is the new tools

Taz D Apr 03 2017 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Keef (Post 6153734)
can't see these yet
all I can see is the new tools

Hi Keef,
To see the new expansions you need to go to the Realtor Office from those farms.

Keef Apr 03 2017 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6153738)
Hi Keef,
To see the new expansions you need to go to the Realtor Office from those farms.

I have from all 10

found them

JohnAlbertini Apr 03 2017 09:02 PM

full scroll
the full scrolls needs to be OUTSIDE the one row scrolls

JohnAlbertini Apr 03 2017 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Snookie Sue (Post 6153718)
That's all I can find in addition to the bigger tool for stacked farms. Oh well, won't be spending much this time guys. Farms are too big already and I don't stack. Maybe the facilities will be nice though. Also really like the butterfly exhibit under the Easter category. Was really, really, really hoping to see some tool that could speed up the oh so time consuming ship loading. As of now my ships are not much more than decorations as I work and try to have a life outside of FT. Still love the game however and appreciate all your hard work and creativity.

Exactly, they give new tools to stackers which they claim is not proper game play but they give us non-layering players nothing. Where are the 24x or full farm tools? 16x takes 9 clicks to do a 26x farm AND a 36x farm. To do any of them in fewer clicks needs a 24x tool so the next upgrade from 16x tools MUST be to 24x tools. Anything less makes zero difference to game play so no benefit to us. Why reward those that violate the game and nothing to the regular players?

bruhelmboldt Apr 03 2017 09:14 PM

Expansions appear to work only on ORIGINAL farm numbers, not the current number.

Taz D Apr 03 2017 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by bruhelmboldt (Post 6153754)
Expansions appear to work only on ORIGINAL farm numbers, not the current number.

Hi bruhelmboldt,
That is the way it has always been. They can't do it on the current numbers because not everyone has them re-arranged the same nor would they be able to track it in the data as your farms and all data about them is stored by original number.

Aussie Rae Apr 03 2017 09:32 PM

love the new tools, THANK YOU, :)

Lara Apr 03 2017 09:38 PM

Is there any advantage to the non-stackers to buy the new harvest-plow-plant tools because I have never seen one to figure it out? Wouldn't mind a list of what it might do for me or know for sure it does nothing because I have never stacked crops. Can anyone tell me?

lollipopthebunny Apr 03 2017 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini (Post 6153750)
Exactly, they give new tools to stackers which they claim is not proper game play but they give us non-layering players nothing. Where are the 24x or full farm tools? 16x takes 9 clicks to do a 26x farm AND a 36x farm. To do any of them in fewer clicks needs a 24x tool so the next upgrade from 16x tools MUST be to 24x tools. Anything less makes zero difference to game play so no benefit to us. Why reward those that violate the game and nothing to the regular players?

I agree about the new tools for multi layered farms! They say we shouldn't do it but then they give bigger tools so people can continue doing it even easier for some! Not everyone can plant like that cause it won't work so why can't the people that plant the normal way get bigger tools first? Not real smart on this idea at all in my opinion.

max_river Apr 03 2017 09:43 PM

ty for the up date. they say it is ok to stack or layer you are taking your chances with it. ty for the tools you have given us to make faster. the people that are complaning about do other things that are not allowed like gift sites. ect

Wendiddy Apr 03 2017 09:51 PM

The only advantage to the non-stackers to have the extended tools is if they are hired to work on a stacked farm. Hopefully the stacked farm you are working on has the extended tools in which case, you don't need to buy them.

Tom C Apr 03 2017 09:53 PM

Well part of the problem is in the design of the game. One tomato plant gives 1 tomato. Now to load all factories at 100% lets say it take 5000 tomatoes. You will have to plant that many, now if you are going to load your factories a few times you will have to plant more. Only way to get that is to layer or stack what ever you call it. Now if a tomato plant gave 30 or more like in real life we would not have to plant so many and not need layered farms. Now for those of you who hate wall to wall trees and flowers same thing applies. It takes several thousand coconuts to load factories now if i could plant say 500 coconuts and get say 100000 i would not have to plant several thousand of them. Same goes with factories to get enough say cheese to load all the factories that need cheese we have to have several dairy factories. Why not have one dairy factory make enough cheese that why we would not need so many.

NJones277 Apr 03 2017 09:54 PM

I think this is right - if you click on the little icon that will change other tools from "boxes" to "highlight" you can turn the multi layered tool into a regular tool that will still do more than the previous ones.

Taz D Apr 03 2017 10:04 PM

This is not a discussion thread for tools. It is here so you can learn about the new features/tools/facilities for the game. It is for reporting any problems with the new tools or features.
If you wish to discuss the pros and cons of the new tools please do so in the General Feedback thread for Discussion about Tools or the pros and cons of layering there is a thread about that too.

lineking Apr 03 2017 10:06 PM

In the early days, of FT, evidently, some people found that they could increase production on their fields, by "overlapping/stacking" their plots. Additionally, they found that they could also "layer" their fields (multiplying several unplanted fields), putting 4 day crops on the bottom, 3 days next etc (or even several 1 day crops one above the other). Evidently this latter practice was taken away, leaving farmers to overlap/stack their fields. The tools to be able to work the fields, recognizes a principle of "grandfathering" as it were, allowing farmers to be able to continue to use fields on which they've spent considerable time and effort making it possible to keep up with the demands of production. Myself, I've got multiple 3x overlap fields and have attempted on two fields 9x and found, at least in one case, that even though it wasn't done right, I gained a lot of additional plots. It's a bit difficult, yet it doesn't take that long to harvest/sow. On another field, I may yet take the time to try the 9x overlap again and hope I get it right. This game, has always been one of neighbor helping neighbor and when people take issue with a tool whiich helps any farmer do a job a little faster, freeing them to maybe work someones facilities or harvest a neighbors fields, then it becomes a disincentive to help other nieghbors. As once was said in another civil unrest situation "can't we all just get along?"

Farmer_Susan Apr 03 2017 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini (Post 6153746)
the full scrolls needs to be OUTSIDE the one row scrolls

SUPER happy to get the larger tools! Thanks!

However, I'm tentatively agreeing with JohnAlbertini - my natural inclination is to think the full scroll would be the outer ones, then the one row scrolls as the inner ones. The reason I say I'm tentative is because I don't know what's standard - haven't researched it. If this is standard, then it makes sense to leave it as is. But I keep hitting the wrong one by mistake so I'm thinking it may be backwards.

Dan H Apr 03 2017 10:21 PM

This is really shaping up as one of the better releases - Thank you Raul!!

One thing I did notice is a delay in the harvested items (extent or highlighted) to clear the screen. Seems like the graphics are somewhat slow after the release. Not a bad problem, but just a little different than before.

Charlie Manylayers Apr 03 2017 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 6153766)
Is there any advantage to the non-stackers to buy the new harvest-plow-plant tools because I have never seen one to figure it out? Wouldn't mind a list of what it might do for me or know for sure it does nothing because I have never stacked crops. Can anyone tell me?

Hi Lara, I don't see any advantage for non-stacked crops.

Taz D Apr 03 2017 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dan H (Post 6153810)
This is really shaping up as one of the better releases - Thank you Raul!!

One thing I did notice is a delay in the harvested items (extent or highlighted) to clear the screen. Seems like the graphics are somewhat slow after the release. Not a bad problem, but just a little different than before.

Hi Dan H,
That is usual right after a release. SOmehow the word spreads like wildfire and everyone has to get on at the same time to see what we got and try them out. :)

Dan H Apr 03 2017 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6153818)
Hi Dan H,
That is usual right after a release. SOmehow the word spreads like wildfire and everyone has to get on at the same time to see what we got and try them out. :)

LOL - didn't think about that, but I do believe you are right! Thx!! Apr 03 2017 11:30 PM

Love the butterfly benches!!! Thank you Raul!!!

Geke Apr 04 2017 01:31 AM

My Syrup Factory has disappeared since the update. How do I get it back?

corogirl Apr 04 2017 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6153818)
Hi Dan H,
That is usual right after a release. SOmehow the word spreads like wildfire and everyone has to get on at the same time to see what we got and try them out. :)

Mine has been doing that for a few days and so have a lot of my friends farms. It has got a lot worse since the release.

FarmerWitch Apr 04 2017 03:43 AM

Thank you for the update

Lara Apr 04 2017 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Charlie Manylayers (Post 6153814)
Hi Lara, I don't see any advantage for non-stacked crops.

Thanks for responding Charlie, good to know

maggiel29 Apr 04 2017 05:50 AM

Thank you Raul - love the Easter decorations. I do appreciate the new tools as well - hoping this is heading towards being able to harvest a farm with one click :). However, my fishing is VERY slow now - takes ages - I dont have that many ponds/seas and they are on farms with just flowers or trees. I only have the purple fishing boat.

bugs22 Apr 04 2017 06:03 AM

I am unable to buy the new 6x6 combine harvest /plow, it only gives me the "send" option. I own the 5x5.

maggiel29 Apr 04 2017 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by bugs22 (Post 6153874)
I am unable to buy the new 6x6 combine harvest /plow, it only gives me the "send" option. I own the 5x5.

This confused me at first but it doesnt say on the menu for the store - dont think there is room but you have to buy the lower tools first so you need the Harvester Ext first. Also the seeder one to buy the combine harvest plant.

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