Farm Town

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Tony D May 15 2011 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by maryfrancis3 (Post 4649762)
Hi.... :)
Not sure where to post this, so forgive me if this is the wrong thread.

My friend was invited to work on a farm and he accepted and he earned FARM CASH dollars .... 3 of them!!!!!...

I have tried to search in forums about how this is done and how I could earn some, but I can't find any articles anywhere. So would someone please explain to me how this works?

Thanks :)
Mary xx

Hi Mary, the Developers introduced a Farm Cash challenge some time ago. It occasionally appears at the top of the farm screen and allows you to invite friends to help. If they help you can earn up to three farm cash per person.

mattievt May 21 2011 02:18 AM

Market place
As there are rules for hiring people in the market place, why cant there be rules for their behaviour too? Some of them are downright rude, others so helpful - Yesterday I thanked one for the work as I usually do, got back: FOR WHAT?
Common courtesy should be the rule for both sides. I ask for work but my name says that I have no tools, then I get hired for the biggest overlayed wheat field that would take me a month to click through. Something should be done about that.

max_river May 21 2011 02:38 AM

a lot of the issues are that not everyone speaks and reads english people from all around the world play so they might miss understand that you have no tools. and when you are hired for layered it is your choice to stay or to do it. why should people stop layering because others do not like working them.

artisanrox May 21 2011 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by max_river (Post 4658570)
a lot of the issues are that not everyone speaks and reads english people from all around the world play so they might miss understand that you have no tools. and when you are hired for layered it is your choice to stay or to do it. why should people stop layering because others do not like working them.

I disagree, lots of non-native English speakers are better at reading, writing and speaking english than the natives are.

Some people, yes, are just rude.

max_river May 21 2011 06:05 AM

oh ya there are rude people to but what i am saying is not everyone is being rude

Eradani May 21 2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Camel Driver (Post 4648218)
Can't find a thread for this: What is being done about the people that come flying through the MP saying: Hire me! I use the Isn't this spamming the game?

i almost caught one once to report. they're just too fast unless your mouse is there already.

auntyPix May 23 2011 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hessel (Post 4642026)
I have completely given up on hiring for work on my farms. Between the ones that leave 20+ squares unpicked and then want to plow, and the ones who leave just after starting the job, it has proven to be futile. I just pick my own crops 5x5 and auto plow, and also work at the market. Given the lack of jobs at the market place most nights, I suspect that this is a fairly widespread thing. I do hire neighbors, but thats it. If people complain about not getting work, there are reasons. It has just become faster to avoid the hassle of trying to hire good help. It's too bad the good newbies have to pay the price for all the poor players who try to cherry pick their jobs. Too bad FT can't track the ones who quit and leave a job undone. That said, I love the game and an as addicted as ever. Thanks guys for a great sim!

I don't like hiring from the market any more either. I find these days that people are being 'too nice' about being hired - won't do this, will only do that etc, and then having to chase around your farm after they have harvested, especially trees! and gather what they missed is really frustrating. This is always supposing you are successful in hiring anyone to begin with. they disappear as you click on them, they turn you down, they totally ignore your hire request. As for getting work from the market, well there are a lot of changes there too. what is the protocol, if i am hired, with another player, to harvest, & i use tools & the other player does not? Do i greedily rush around with my harvester because i have been hired to harvest or do i harvest only some & leave some - usually a lot! - for the other player? or should i put my harvester away & use the manual clicker?
I tell you, it is easier & quicker to do it myself & get the xp's from my neighbours facilities.

pennyb May 23 2011 10:41 AM

i have been playing farm town for a long time now and it has, up til now, been a great deal of fun. The introduction of 4 x 4's and the like has made it uncomfortable and wearing. Players with tools just steam in and take the lot regardless of anyone else. I don't have any income so I cannot purchase credits to buy these items and consequently i now dread going to market to find employment.
As a suggestion could hiring be altered in some way so farmers can emloy one or the other - either 4 x 4s and the like or 1 x 1s?
It would restore my enjoyment i believe.
I can't be the only one who feels like this surely?

lcswdonna May 23 2011 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by pennyb (Post 4661198)
i have been playing farm town for a long time now and it has, up til now, been a great deal of fun. The introduction of 4 x 4's and the like has made it uncomfortable and wearing. Players with tools just steam in and take the lot regardless of anyone else. I don't have any income so I cannot purchase credits to buy these items and consequently i now dread going to market to find employment.
As a suggestion could hiring be altered in some way so farmers can emloy one or the other - either 4 x 4s and the like or 1 x 1s?
It would restore my enjoyment i believe.
I can't be the only one who feels like this surely?

This is being discussed, I cannot think of a solution, some have come up with ideas that are not workable, many feel as you do. I am uncomfortable and frustrated using tools for similar reasons. When hired with someone who is 1x1, I leave half for them. This is fine, except that one of the following happens. They leave immediately because I use my tools, despite my writing in the chat box that I will leave half. With the multiple hire, I don't know which task to start with. I get yelled at by the farmer for not leaving the right things for the 1X1. (happened yesterday) Or I only do half on a large layered farms and the farmer yells at me for not finishing. I try to ask the other person hired for direction on what they want out of the job, but seldom get an answer or get a ??? from them. I know I can just leave jobs if there is another person there, but I really will not do that. I do not want to just advertise solo work but am always relieved when it is a solo job. I will not give up my tools, they are wonderful with carpel tunnel, arthritis, tendinitis, and fibromyalgia wrecking my clicking ability. It is a touchy subject with possible infringements working against both employers and employees with any solution. I wish the tools were just universal and free, but that causes income infringements on the part of the developers. If they suddenly said, ok, anyone can now buy one with coins then there would be many upset that they spent real money on the ones they have. Maybe allowing the 3x3's to be used in the marketplace but would that make people upset also. You can see this is a quandry for us all. Maybe the devs have already come up with a solution and we will find out soon.

brendaboo1967 May 23 2011 01:25 PM

I too have had this very thing happen.....

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