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lindylou30 Aug 25 2023 01:24 AM

I have just completed a quest and did all the right things and finished within the allotted time but only received 1 FC instead of 2. Very disappointed

Tiger Aug 25 2023 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by lindylou30 (Post 6560142)
I have just completed a quest and did all the right things and finished within the allotted time but only received 1 FC instead of 2. Very disappointed

Hi lindylou30,

You last received 2 Farm Cash for completing your Regular Quests on 2023-08-21 so it's too early for you to claim for your regular quests again.

Today you earned 1 Farm Cash for reaching level 1219 in the game. Could you have been mistaken about what that notification was for and thought it was for claiming your quests?

You can check this yourself by looking in your Farm Cash Activity Log in the Account section which shows you up to the last 6 months.
To go to your Farm Cash Activity Log, make sure that you are still logged into the website and then you can click on this link:

OR you can click on the Account tab at the top of your game screen. Then click on Farm Cash Activity Log to get to the same place.

zlady2741 Aug 25 2023 06:11 PM

Not receiving credit for working neighbor's farms
Today & another day,(possible a couple of days ago) I have worked neighbor's farms for a quest & not gotten any credit for it! Is this a common problem with Slashkey right now? :mad::mad:

marymarcel Aug 25 2023 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by zlady2741 (Post 6560170)
Today & another day,(possible a couple of days ago) I have worked neighbor's farms for a quest & not gotten any credit for it! Is this a common problem with Slashkey right now? :mad::mad:

Hi zlady :)

I moved your post to the thread about Quests.

I can see in your data that you got the Employee lifeline for a quest to make Galettes.

That quest is now completed so we cant check what has happened.

If this happens to you again, please post here as soon as you get the problem so we can check and try to help.

PurpleCharlotte Sep 01 2023 06:12 PM

Harvesting issues
I have a quest to harvest cucumbers, so I went to my 4-day quest farm and harvested 6 squares of cucumbers. I then went on to other things to harvest. When I looked at the quest progress, it was showing the peas, carrots, apples, and olives that I need, but 0 cucumbers. Weird. So, I went back to the 4-day farm and harvested another 6 pieces. Still 0.
I don't want to waste my whole batch of cucumbers if they're never going to show up. Any suggestions?

marymarcel Sep 01 2023 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by PurpleCharlotte (Post 6560678)
I have a quest to harvest cucumbers, so I went to my 4-day quest farm and harvested 6 squares of cucumbers. I then went on to other things to harvest. When I looked at the quest progress, it was showing the peas, carrots, apples, and olives that I need, but 0 cucumbers. Weird. So, I went back to the 4-day farm and harvested another 6 pieces. Still 0.
I don't want to waste my whole batch of cucumbers if they're never going to show up. Any suggestions?

Hi PurpleCharlotte :)

I moved your post to the thread about Quests.

Is your farm 24 where you have your 4 crops day?

If it is that, then you were harvesting broccoli instead of cucumber.

PurpleCharlotte Sep 01 2023 11:23 PM

OMG :o
Can you tell it's Friday night after a LONG week! LOL!

WindRiver48 Sep 04 2023 08:28 AM

I finished 2 quests this morning and didn't get credit for either. I should have 8 to collect 2 FC. Thanks

marymarcel Sep 04 2023 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by WindRiver48 (Post 6560842)
I finished 2 quests this morning and didn't get credit for either. I should have 8 to collect 2 FC. Thanks

Hi WindRiver :)

You didnt get any cash for your regular quests yet.

You collected 2 farmcash for regular quests on August 27 at 21:54 eastern time.

You then completed:

1 quest on August 30th at 23:44 eastern time
2 quests on August 31st
1 quest on September 2nd
2 quests on September 4th

That gives you a total of 6 completed quests for this week.

You have 3 quests in progress, so if you complete 2 of them before September 6th at 23:44 eastern time, then you will be able to collect 2 farmcash.

Please remember, that a quest is completed when it gets the green check mark for the last step and NOT when you collect coins for it.

WindRiver48 Sep 04 2023 09:08 AM

According to the running tab at the bottom of my quests, I completed:

2 on 8/30
1 on 8/31
1 on 9/2
2 on 9/3
I finished 2 this morning (9/4) for a total of 8.


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6560846)
Hi WindRiver :)

You didnt get any cash for your regular quests yet.

You collected 2 farmcash for regular quests on August 27 at 21:54 eastern time.

You then completed:

1 quest on August 30th at 23:44 eastern time
2 quests on August 31st
1 quest on September 2nd
2 quests on September 4th

That gives you a total of 6 completed quests for this week.

You have 3 quests in progress, so if you complete 2 of them before September 6th at 23:44 eastern time, then you will be able to collect 2 farmcash.

Please remember, that a quest is completed when it gets the green check mark for the last step and NOT when you collect coins for it.

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 12:46 AM.