Farm Town

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Ktownkim May 05 2012 07:23 AM

[quote=Raul;5143178]Hi There,

3. Floor Level items support: This feature should fix the "sinking" items in the paths and roads. You should now be able to put any items over any paths (including train interceptions) and it should display correctly. Rivers/Ponds should have less issues as well. You should also be able to put items over these other "floor level items" without issues:

THE BEST update/fix EVER!!!! No more feeling like a dog chasing my tail while redecorating!

Thank you MUCH!!! Kim

musicman1215 May 05 2012 07:44 AM

I don't mean to sound negative about this new release, but it sucks. You put out a new facility which we don't need because you could have just added the herbal teas to our existing tea factory. You put out new crops that a majority of people who play this game never even heard of. You put the acacia trees on the gift page instead of selling them in the store. Why don't you just make changes to the existing facilities for once, instead of adding one we don't need?

1fritz May 05 2012 07:49 AM

Thank you. Love it....More expansions. non-sinking paths, new crops, can't remember everything..Great update!

Off to buy Farm Cash. :D

artisanrox May 05 2012 07:51 AM


AussieGecko May 05 2012 08:00 AM

Feeling sad and feeling like I should complain but I won't. I bought a new farm extension and went to move my dock and sea coasts to the other side of the farm. All went well till I put the stone paths down over the sea coast to put the dock back over it. No go...It won't allow me to put it there. So I have a choice, a dock (wharf) that sits on sand and looks stupid just plonked there or delete it and have a bare ocean. The bare ocean wins.

kahra01 May 05 2012 08:04 AM

3. Floor Level items support: This feature should fix the "sinking" items in the paths and roads. You should now be able to put any items over any paths (including train interceptions) and it should display correctly. Rivers/Ponds should have less issues as well. You should also be able to put items over these other "floor level items" without issues:

THE BEST update/fix EVER!!!! No more feeling like a dog chasing my tail while redecorating!

Thank you MUCH!!! Kim[/quote]

Biggest problem now is.. if you want to put trees in amongst the flowers, you could use the dirt paths to do it and it would allow you to lay them over the flowers.. now it doesnt. You could do anything with the dirt paths!! Unfortunately I discovered this after moving everything and tried to put them back.. well hasnt that blown it out of the water! First time I have ever said this.. but overall.. a really mundane release that for me, has caused more problems than it solved. I wish Raul could put the dirt paths back the way they were and let us override/overlap things when using them. I have no interest rebuilding it when i cant put things back the way they were. Very disappointing :(

kahra01 May 05 2012 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by AussieGecko (Post 5143498)
Feeling sad and feeling like I should complain but I won't. I bought a new farm extension and went to move my dock and sea coasts to the other side of the farm. All went well till I put the stone paths down over the sea coast to put the dock back over it. No go...It won't allow me to put it there. So I have a choice, a dock (wharf) that sits on sand and looks stupid just plonked there or delete it and have a bare ocean. The bare ocean wins.

I feel ur pain! I just wrote a thread saying basically the same thing.. using the dirt paths that allowed you to put things where they wouldnt normally go on their own, and overlapping things to put it all together.. of course, like you, I moved everything coz I upsized and now it wont all go back they way I had it. sad and disappointing, so you have a right to voice your views and complain.. lol, I did!;)

caba May 05 2012 08:11 AM

Thank you! :D

Nyakwai67 May 05 2012 08:17 AM

Woohoo...Ty for all the awesome guys ROCK !!!

servocrow May 05 2012 08:17 AM


3. Floor Level items support: This feature should fix the "sinking" items in the paths and roads. You should now be able to put any items over any paths (including train interceptions) and it should display correctly. Rivers/Ponds should have less issues as well. You should also be able to put items over these other "floor level items" without issues:

YAY!!! So happy about this!!

Runs off to see all the goodies. THANKS for continuing to make this a great game!!

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