Farm Town

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sweetashoney99004 Dec 23 2009 02:09 PM

why change it from the old way??
i dont know what everyone was complaining about the old way even if you got ran over you both got you dont get paid for it and which in turn makes you work harder for less money.......they make a good game its working fine then some cry babies gotta go screw it all up.....i like the way it was 3 days ago when ppl still ran ppl over you didnt have a bunch of crazy stuff goin on above your head and if you got ran over you and the other person still got paid for it........why change a good thing......i have almost thought a few times of just uninstalling the app on myspace and fb and be done with it but i am hoping they will do something to put it back to normal!!!!!!i will give it till after christmas if its not better i am still deleting it.......:(

MINDY1979 Dec 23 2009 02:10 PM

I am happy with what ever you come up with. You guys work hard and try to listen to us about problems. I know you can't snap your fingers and fix it, so what ever you come up with will work for me. Have a good holiday season devs and mods!

unclebutch Dec 23 2009 02:14 PM

it would be nice if you explained what changes were made to avoid confusion. i got hired for a job and the harvesting seems to be working fine but i was told i couldn't plow. is this part of the new fix? how many people can i hire for my farms. one is small and the other is large.

i know i will figure this out for myself but it would be good to see it in print.

Ann Winters Dec 23 2009 02:15 PM

Personally, I have never had problems with hiring and plowing in all the updates. The only time I had problems is when I used to hire out and the greedy people would horn in on my patch of work space. So after I got where I needed to be -- I became very selective about who I hire to work my farm. Haven't had any problems. A buddy system works well too, becasue each person gets to know each other and the farms they work. Plus, I always hire my neighbors now.

Sapai Dec 23 2009 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by sweetashoney99004 (Post 2922566)
i dont know what everyone was complaining about the old way even if you got ran over you both got you dont get paid for it and which in turn makes you work harder for less money.......they make a good game its working fine then some cry babies gotta go screw it all up.....i like the way it was 3 days ago when ppl still ran ppl over you didnt have a bunch of crazy stuff goin on above your head and if you got ran over you and the other person still got paid for it........why change a good thing......i have almost thought a few times of just uninstalling the app on myspace and fb and be done with it but i am hoping they will do something to put it back to normal!!!!!!i will give it till after christmas if its not better i am still deleting it.......:(

I had lost some XP's. Reported it. It resolved perfectly when they changed to being awarded upon clicks instead of the prior method.

One thing that NEVER happened was to get stiffed on clicks, as is the case now with this 'in-betweener'. I hate it. I have to request solo hires only. I'm not going to play a game and watch my clicked hatch marks disappear before my eyes. What's the point?

It will work acceptably (at best) for one person jobs. As a 'fix' for multiple hire jobs, it is a big flop.

Lizbet Dec 23 2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 2921714)
Hi There,

We closed the other threads related to the latest release to make it easier to collect feedback.

Frankly, I haven't had issues with the app since my earliest days playing, back in May of this year.

I was hired to harvest an entire farm earlier today and, once I re acclimated to the technique, was moving along very quickly; same went for plowing. The only slowness I experienced was the time it took to begin (to travel to the area) and if there were sections planted a distance apart.

I think the game is fabulous and appreciate all the work you guys put into it.

Lizbet Dec 23 2009 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ann Winters (Post 2922642)
Personally, I have never had problems with hiring and plowing in all the updates. The only time I had problems is when I used to hire out and the greedy people would horn in on my patch of work space. So after I got where I needed to be -- I became very selective about who I hire to work my farm. Haven't had any problems. A buddy system works well too, becasue each person gets to know each other and the farms they work. Plus, I always hire my neighbors now.


There's a period of adjustment and then things run smoothly.

bradwill Dec 23 2009 02:28 PM

Thank you for dumping most of yesterday's update and going back to what worked, If it solves the issue of Xp/coins lost also...that's a real bonus too. If it all it does is temporarily get things back to running at a decent speed instead of "Wait...I'm busy," that works too. Anything but yesterday.

:::Suburban Hillbilly::: Dec 23 2009 02:28 PM

I just did my first job with the newest updates (12/23) and IMO it is worse than either yesterday or before. I was hired with one of the people who likes to try to click in front of you and get plots right out from under you. Im guessing this is what is referred to as "collisions" etc. Previously I was able to click randomly and move to a different area and prevent them from clicking under me, which I tried to do again today. It didnt work, because a large number of the plots that were queued came up and said "Already Done" instead of giving the point/coins. It was more frustrating because I had to wait to find out if I got the plot instead of it just being gone. If I had known they were clicking under me because the plot disappeard then I would have moved on. Instead I stood around getting called names because I told the other harvester I didnt like them clicking the plots out from under me like that. :confused: I put them on ignore... but ugh!

katrina719 Dec 23 2009 02:30 PM

I love this game ! I have 2 working farms and a show farm..And the changes suit me fine!


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