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marymarcel Feb 03 2024 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by pbcarol (Post 6573310)
I have been removed from playing the 7 day game until the next game starts as rejected or something. I paid my cash coins to buy one of the facilities. I am quite upset about this as I play every week and am always buying cash to buy facilities. Can you please fix my farm Jaxon where I purchased the orphanage.
Thank you!

Hi pbcarol :)

I moved your post to the thread about NCC.

I'm sorry but we can't fix anything about your NCC. The only rule for the Neighborhood Chain contest is that you can't move a facilitiy from one farm to another. If you do, then you are quitted from the NCC for that week.

From our Game Guide:

IMPORTANT: Once the facilities are entered into the contest you must NOT move them to storage or to another farm. If you do, you will see a warning message that tells you that you are in the contest and that storing the facility will make you abandon this weeks contest . If you proceed, the facility will be removed from the farm, and you will be terminated from that weeks contest. In order to remain in the contest, the facilities that are part of a Neighbourhood Chain must remain on the farm during the whole week of the contest.

LizaLee Feb 03 2024 11:52 AM

Yesterday I bought an orphanage, I went to neighborhood chains and it showed up so I filled the orphanage as needed. Today neighborhood chains shows no Orphanage but I went to the farm it is on and there it is.
How an I make sure the Orphanage is available to add to my neighborhood chain?
thank you
Liza Lee

marymarcel Feb 03 2024 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by LizaLee (Post 6573374)
Yesterday I bought an orphanage, I went to neighborhood chains and it showed up so I filled the orphanage as needed. Today neighborhood chains shows no Orphanage but I went to the farm it is on and there it is.
How an I make sure the Orphanage is available to add to my neighborhood chain?
thank you
Liza Lee

Hi LizaLee :)

I moved your post to the thread about NCC.

The rules for the NCC are the following:
  • If you have none of the FC facilities for the contest then you can only use 2 coin facilities.
  • If you have 1 of each of the FC facilities, then you can still only use 2 coin facilities.
  • If you have more than 1 of the FC facilities, you can use those plus an equal number of coin facilities. For example, if you have 3 of the 2 FC facilities then you can use 3 of the coin facilities. You can only use as many coin facilities as you have FC facilities.

In your case you only have 1 farm cash facility (Spanish Restaurant) and 2 coins facilities ( Food Ingredients Factory). That is why your Orphanage was not added to the NCC

JohnAlbertini Feb 13 2024 09:58 PM

The top FIVE in my NCC each had BOTH FC facilities which I don't. WHY are they in my neighborhood? NOT FAIR, I can't compete with FC facilities! SEVEN had both FC facilities!!! Only three didn't and two of those were my neighborhood!

Taz D Feb 13 2024 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini (Post 6573950)
The top FIVE in my NCC each had BOTH FC facilities which I don't. WHY are they in my neighborhood? NOT FAIR, I can't compete with FC facilities! SEVEN had both FC facilities!!! Only three didn't and two of those were my neighborhood!

Hi John,
Both FC and coin facilities can give roughly the same amount of points. Doesn't matter if they are for FC or coins. The contestants are chosen from what is available on the day they are selected with as close as possible the number of facilities each have in their teams. If they are among your contest competitors then there were not enough who had as few facilities as you. There has to be 10 in each group.

Unless you have a different way for the program to select them then there is nothing that the developers can do to change the way they are selected. If you know a different way to select the contestants then please post it in the Suggestions section.

jetdogy Mar 04 2024 01:44 PM

What is "enable NCC" ?
What is NCC????

Taz D Mar 04 2024 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by jetdogy (Post 6575166)
What is NCC????

HI Jetdogy,
I moved your post to the thread about this subject.
NCC stands for Neighborhood Chains Contest. To participate in this you have to check the box to Enable NCC. You can find all the information about this contest in the Game Guide chapter 31 in the following link:

DizzyMiss Mar 20 2024 10:54 AM

When is something going to be done about the severe inequality of standings in the NCC? I have messaged the developers several times.
I regularly am way out in front on the Neighborhood chain but persistently 10th in the chain. Yet "thanked for helping a neighbour to be in the top 3" This is bad enough but now part of the Farm Pass is to be ranked in the top 5 or 6 in the chain. The highest I have ever achieved is 8th! I have screenshots showing the rankings.

Taz D Mar 20 2024 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by DizzyMiss (Post 6576062)
When is something going to be done about the severe inequality of standings in the NCC? I have messaged the developers several times.
I regularly am way out in front on the Neighborhood chain but persistently 10th in the chain. Yet "thanked for helping a neighbour to be in the top 3" This is bad enough but now part of the Farm Pass is to be ranked in the top 5 or 6 in the chain. The highest I have ever achieved is 8th! I have screenshots showing the rankings.

Hi DizzyMiss
You will alwasy be at the top of your own neighbors chain (middle tab) because you get extra for how many neighbors you have in that.

It is up to the developers whether they make any changes to how the contest. The competing teams are opick among those available at the time of selection to be the closest in equality of points. What the teams do after that point can change that as they can add more facilities or more neighbors join their team which can push them ahead of you. There is nothing that can be done by the developers to make it any more equal.

L.A.Bob Mar 24 2024 08:13 PM

I was adding a client facility for the NCC and moved it to a different farm and now the NCC board says I abandoned the NCC. What is up? I did not abandoned the NCC. Thanks

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